Entering a Customer - Pricing Card

- Price List
- Paste Special
Price Lists setting, Contact module
- Used as default in Quotations
- If the Contact is a Customer and you wish to assign a particular Price List to them, you can do so here. It will determine the prices used in Quotations issued to the Customer.
- You can also allocate Price Lists to Customer Categories. This makes it easy to allocate or change the Price List of a group or Customers in a single step. Any Price List specified in a Customer will override that of the Customer Category (if any) to which the Customer belongs.
- Please refer to the 'Price List' page for full details about using Price Lists.
- Salesman
- Paste Special
Person register, System module
- Used as default in Quotations
- Enter the initials of the salesman responsible for this Contact's account. By default, Quotations for this company will be attributed to the salesman entered here.
- This field is also used by the Limited Access feature: please refer to the description of the Sales Group field (below) for details.
- Sales Group
- Paste Special
Sales Groups setting, System module
- Default taken from Salesman
The Sales Group is brought in from the Person record after you have entered a Salesman. If you are using the Limited Access feature, you can use this field to prevent a user from seeing all Contacts in the 'Contacts: Browse' and Contact 'Paste Special' windows by restricting their view to their own Contacts or to those of their Sales Group.
- Please refer to the page describing the Person register for full details of the Limited Access feature.
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