Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard CRM >> Activities, Calendar and Task Manager >> Activity Register Anterior Siguiente Capítulo Completo en versión p/Impresión Buscar Este texto se hace referencia a la versión del programa 6.2 Creating Activities from Other Registers Many Activities will be created remotely from Contacts, Customer Letters, Quotations or Mails using the 'Create Activity' Operations menu function. The Activity and the originating record will remain connected to each other through the Attachments facility. This allows you to open the originating record quickly and easily when reviewing the Activity, or to open the Activity from the originating record. When viewing the Activity or originating record, click the [Attachments] button (with the paper clip image) to open a list of attachments. Then double-click an item in this list to open it.For example, the following Activity was created from a Quotation: --- In this chapter:
Anterior Siguiente Arriba Capítulo Completo en versión p/Impresión |