Move Activities to Another Company
If your Standard CRM database contains more than one Company, Activities will always be created in the Company in which the creating Person is working at the time. These Activities will only be visible in the Company in which they were created. Users in other Companies will not be aware of the Activities. A consequence can be that a Person may end up with different Activities in different Companies, which will make their Calendar and Task Manager difficult to manage.
You can use this function to move Activities from one Company to another. This can be useful if, for example, you need a Person's Activities to be visible in more than one Company, if a Person created an Activity in the wrong Company, or if you simply need all Activities to be stored in the same Company.
To use this function, you should be working in the Company where the Activities are stored.

- Period
- Paste Special
Reporting Periods setting, System module
Activities whose Start Dates fall in the period specified here will be moved to the destination Company.
- User
- Paste Special
Person register, System module
- Enter the Signature of the Person whose Activities are to be moved. All Activities in which this Signature is included in the Persons or Cc fields will be moved.
- If the Persons or Cc field of an Activity contains several Persons including the one specified here, that Activity will be moved to the destination Company. However, in the destination Company, all other Persons will be removed from the Persons and Cc fields, leaving the Person specified here as the only one.
- You must specify a Person, otherwise the function will have no effect.
- To Company (code)
- Specify the Code of the Company to where the Activities are to be moved (the destination Company).
- You must specify a destination Company, otherwise the function will have no effect.
- Transfer How
- Choose the Copy option if you want the Activity being moved to be left in the original Company. Choose the Move option if you want the delete the Activity from the original Company. An Activity whose Persons or Cc field contains several Persons will not be deleted from the original Company.
- Include
- Use these options to choose whether Activities marked as Done, Activities not marked as Done or both are to be moved to the destination Company.
- Task Type
- Use these options to choose whether Calendar, To Do or Timed To Do Activities or any combination are to be moved to the destination Company.
- Calendar
- Use these options to choose whether Time, Profile or Don' Show Activities or any combination are to be moved to the destination Company.
Click the [Run] button to the move the Activities to the destination Company.
Maintenance functions concerned with Activities, the Calendar and the Task Manager:
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