Entering a Customer Letter - Cat/Class Selection Card

Use this card in combination with the
'Customer Selection' card to select the Customers, Suppliers and Contact Persons to whom the letter is to be sent.
- Category
- Paste Special
Customer Categories setting, Contact module
- This field allows you to mail all Customers or Suppliers belonging to a particular Customer Category.
- You can enter several Customer Categories separated by commas. Letters will be printed for Customers and Suppliers belonging to any of the Categories specified. You can also enter a range of Customer Categories separated by a colon. Letters will be printed for Customers and Suppliers belonging to any of the Categories in the range.
- If you specify a Customer Category here and have entered a range of Customer or Supplier Numbers in the Customer field on the 'Customer Selection' card, letters will be printed for Customers and Suppliers in that range who also belong to the specified Category. If you are also using the One per Contact option, separate letters will be printed for every Contact Person working for the relevant Customers and Suppliers, unless you also enter a Contact Class or a Job Desc in the fields below.
- Leave the Contact field on the 'Customer Selection' card empty if you specify a Category here. If you do not, only a single letter will be printed, addressed to the Contact Person in the Contact field.
- Cust. Class
- Paste Special
Contact Classifications setting, Contact module
- This field allows you to mail all Customers or Suppliers with a particular Classification.
- If you enter a number of Classifications separated by commas, letters will only be printed for Customers and Suppliers featuring all the Classifications listed.
- If you specify a Classification here and have entered a range of Customers or Suppliers in the Customer field on the 'Customer Selection' card, letters will be printed for all Customers or Suppliers in that range with the specified Classification(s). If you are also using the One per Contact option, separate letters will be printed for every Contact Person working for the relevant Customers and Suppliers, unless you also enter a Contact Class or a Job Desc in the fields below.
- Leave the Contact field on the 'Customer Selection' card empty if you specify a Classification here. If you do not, only a single letter will be printed, addressed to the Contact Person in the Contact field.
- Contact Class
- Paste Special
Contact Classifications setting, Contact module
- If you wish to mail all Contact Persons with a particular Contact Classification, specify that Classification here. You must also check the One per Contact box on the 'Customer Selection' card.
- If you enter a number of Classifications separated by commas, letters will only be printed for Contact Persons featuring all the Classifications listed.
- For example, the Customer field on the 'Customer Selection' card contains "001:010". The Cust. Class field contains "A" and the Contact Class field contains "B". The letter-printing routine will find the Customers and Suppliers in the range 001:010 with Classification A. It will then find Contact Persons with Classification B who are connected to those Customers and Suppliers. Letters will be printed for these Contact Persons.
- Job Desc
- Paste Special
Job Descriptions setting, Contact module
- If you wish to mail all Contact Persons with a particular Job Description, specify that Job Description here.
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