
Entering a Contact - Account Card

Record here any additional information about the Contact.

This field is used by the 'Banking File' Export function. Please refer to your local Books by HansaWorld representative for details.

Bank Account
Enter the Contact's main bank account number here. If the Contact is a Vendor, this bank account number will be transferred to any Purchase Invoices and Payments entered in their name.

Creditor A/C
Paste Special    Account register, General Ledger/System module
If the Contact is a Vendor and you want to use a particular Creditor Account, enter its Account number here.

If you leave this field empty the Creditor Account will be taken from the Vendor Category or from the Account Usage A/P setting.

Cost A/C
Paste Special    Account register, General Ledger/System module
If the company is a Vendor, you can determine that a particular Cost Account (i.e. Purchase Account) will be offered as a default in the first Purchase Invoice row whenever you enter a new Purchase Invoice. This can be useful in the cases of specialist Vendors and of Vendors of services such as electricity or telephone services, whose Purchase Invoices are usually debited to the same Account.

If you want to set a default Cost Account for this Vendor, enter its Account Number here.

Tax Zone
Used as default in    Sales and Purchase Invoices
Select a Zone for the Contact, as follows:
The Contact is located in the your state.

The Contact is located in the United States, but not in your state.

The Contact is located abroad.

The Zone will be used in all sales and purchase transactions to control Tax calculation and accounting.

On the sales side, you can assign separate default sales Tax Codes and Sales Accounts to each Zone in the Account Usage A/R setting in the Receivables module.

When you raise Sales Invoices for Customers in the "Domestic" and "Export" Zones, Tax will not be charged, irrespective of the Tax Code specified for those Zones in the Account Usage A/R setting. If you want Tax to be calculated and credited to the Output Account from the Tax Code in the normal way, place these Customers in the Domestic (Post Tax)" and "Export (Post Tax)" Zones.

On the Purchase side, you can assign separate default purchase Tax Codes to each Zone in the Account Usage A/P setting in the Payables module.

Tax will not be calculated on Purchase Invoices received from Vendors in the "Export" Zone. If the Vendor is in the "Domestic" Zone, Tax from Purchase Invoices will be debited to the Input Account from the Tax Code and credited to the Output Account from the Tax Code. For this reason, it is recommended that you use a dedicated Tax Code for Tax on domestic purchases, with Input and Output Accounts that are not used in any other Tax Code. The full Invoice amount will be debited to the Cost Account. If you want Tax to be calculated in the normal way, with no posting to the Output Account and with the total excluding Tax being debited to the Cost Account, place your Vendors in the Domestic (Post Tax)" and "Export (Post Tax)" Zones.

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