Reports in the Payables module - Accounts Payable
The Accounts Payable report is a summary of your account position with each Vendor. It lists the Vendors' Invoices that have been issued to your company that you have not yet paid. For each Invoice, the Due Date, the outstanding amount and the number of days by which it is overdue are shown, so, together with the
Periodic Vendor Statement and
Payments Forecast reports, this report is a very useful tool for payment scheduling purposes.
When printed to screen, this report has the Books by HansaWorld Drill-down feature. Click on any Vendor Number in the report to open the Contact record for a Vendor, or on a Purchase Invoice or Payment Number to open an individual Purchase Invoice or Payment record.

- Vendor
- Paste Special
Vendors in Contact register
- Range Reporting Alpha
- To limit the report to a single Vendor (or range of Vendors), enter the Vendor Number here.
- Category
- Paste Special
Vendor Categories setting, Payables module
- If you want to restrict the report to Vendors belonging to a particular Vendor Category, specify that Category here.
- Date
- Paste Special
Choose date
- Enter a date to show the status of the Accounts Payable on that date. If you leave the field blank, the current date will be used.
- Function
- Use these options to control the level of detail shown in the report. In all cases, as in all Books by HansaWorld reports, if an Invoice is overdue for payment, the number of overdue days will be shown as a negative figure.
- Detailed
- Where the Overview simply shows the outstanding balance of each Purchase Invoice, this option provides more detail, listing for each open Invoice any partial Payments and Credits.
- Overview
- The Overview shows each Vendor's Number, Name and Telephone Number and, for each outstanding Purchase Invoice, the Purchase Invoice Number, the Invoice Date, the Payment Terms, the Due Date, the age or number of days overdue, and the outstanding balance.
- Balance
- This option simply prints the total balance payable to each Vendor.
- Status
- Use these options to determine the Purchase Invoices that will be included in the report.
- Open
- The report will list all unpaid Purchase Invoices.
- Due
- The report will be limited to those Invoices that are due for payment.
- Sorting
- The report can be sorted by Vendor Number or Name.
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