
Export Functions in the Receivables module - Invoice Rows

The 'Invoice Rows' export function produces a text file containing all the rows from the Invoices in the selection you make. You can use this information for statistical analysis in other programs, for example spreadsheets.

For each Invoice row, this function will export the Invoice Number, Date, Customer Number and Name, Invoice Type, Item Number, Quantity, Description, Unit Price, Sum, Discount %, Sales Account, Salesman, GP and Tax Code, separated by tabs.

Invoice Type can be any of the following values:

  1. Standard Invoice

  2. Cash Note

  3. Credit Note

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
Enter the start and end dates for the period to be covered by the export, separated by a colon (:). The default is the first period in the Reporting Periods setting.

Invoice No.
Range Reporting    Numeric
If necessary, specify an Invoice Number or range of Invoice Numbers separated by a colon (:). Only rows from Invoices in the range will be exported.

Paste Special    Customers in Contact register
Range Reporting    Alpha
Enter a Customer Number or range of Numbers to export rows from Invoices issued to specific Customers.

Paste Special    Item register
Range Reporting    Alpha
Enter an Item Number or range of Numbers to export Invoices rows featuring specific Items.

Choose whether you want to export rows from approved and/or unapproved Invoices.
Click the [Run] button in the Button Bar to proceed. A dialog box will open where you can name the export file and specify where it is to be saved.

Enter a name for the file. Click [Save] or press the Enter key.

A message window informs you about the progress of the export process. You can interrupt the process at any time by pressing ⌘-Period (Mac OS X) or Esc (Windows).


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