Entering a Contact - Header
- No.
- Enter the unique code you are assigning to the Contact: this is the means by which this Contact will be identified elsewhere in Standard Accounts. The field holds up to 20 letters and/or numbers. A default will be offered, based on the Contact Number of the previous record entered.
- Once you have saved the record, you cannot change the Contact Number.
- Cust. Category
- Paste Special
Customer Categories setting, Sales Ledger
- Supp. Category
- Paste Special
Supplier Categories setting, Purchase Ledger
- If the company is a Customer, you can assign it to a Customer Category. If it is a Supplier, you can assign it to a Supplier Category.
- Customer Categories enable you to classify similar Customers together. All Customers belonging to the same Category can use the same default Debtor Account, saving you the work of having to specify this for each Customer individually. Several reports allow you to list Customers belonging to a particular Category.
- Supplier Categories enable you to classify similar Suppliers together. All Suppliers belonging to the same Category can use the same default Creditor Account, saving you the work of having to specify this for each Supplier individually.
- Name
- Enter the Name of the Contact.
- Customer, Supplier
- Mark the Contact as a Customer or Supplier or both as appropriate, using the check boxes at the top of the window. If the Contact is a Contact Person who works for a Customer or Supplier company, do not check either of these boxes unless the Contact Person is also a Customer or Supplier in a private capacity.
- Marking the Contact as a Customer or Supplier does not necessarily mean it has purchased goods or services from your business, or sold goods or services to you: the company can also be a potential customer or supplier to your business.
- If you have marked a Contact as a Customer only, you will be able to use it in Sales Invoices and Receipts, but not in any purchase registers. Similarly, if you have marked it as a Supplier only, you will be able to use it in Purchase Invoices and Payments, but not in any sales registers.
- If you originally opened the Contact register in the Sales Ledger, the new record will be marked as a Customer automatically. If you originally opened the Contact register in the Purchase Ledger, the new record will be marked as a Supplier automatically. Similarly, if you created the new record by clicking the [New] button in the 'Paste Special' window listing Contacts, these check boxes will be set automatically depending on the context. For example, if you enter a Sales Invoice, activate 'Paste Special' from the Customer field and click [New], the new record will be marked as a Customer.
- Once you have marked a company as a Customer and you have issued at least one Sales Invoice to that company, you will not be able to remove the check from the Customer box. Similarly, if you have marked a company as a Supplier and you have received at least one Purchase Invoice from that company, you will not be able to remove the check from the Supplier box.
- Throughout this manual (including in the index), the term "Customer" has been used when referring to Contacts marked as Customers, and the term "Supplier" refers to Contacts marked as Suppliers.
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