Entering an Item
If you are using Standard Accounts, open the Item register by first ensuring you are in the Sales Ledger module and clicking the [Items] button in the Master Control panel. If you are using any other Standard product, simply click the [Items] button in the Master Control panel. In all cases. the 'Items: Browse' window will be opened, listing the Items you have already entered. To create a new Item, click the [New] button above the list or use the ⌘-N keyboard shortcut. Alternatively, highlight an Item similar to the one you want to enter and click [Duplicate] (or use ⌘-Y).
The 'Item: New' window will open, empty if you clicked [New] or containing a duplicate of the highlighted record. Complete the Item record as appropriate and as described below, then save it using the [Save] button and close the window by clicking the close box. Then, close the browse window using the close box again.
The Item window contains the following fields:
- No.
- Enter the unique identification code you are assigning to this Item. This is the means by which you will identify the Item when including it in Invoices. The field holds up to 20 characters. Once you have saved the Item record, you will not be able to change the Item Number.
- Group
- Paste Special
Item Groups setting
- Enter the Item Group to which this Item belongs.
- Depending on the Standard product you are using, Item Groups enable you to classify similar Items together. Each Item belonging to the same Group can use the same default Sales Account and VAT Code, saving you the work of having to specify these for each Item individually.
- This field is not available in Standard Contracts.
- Name
- Enter the name or a short description of the Item.
- Price
- Used as default in
Sales Invoices
- Enter the normal sales price for the Item here. The price should include VAT if you have specified in the Account Usage S/L setting in Standard Accounts or the Invoice Settings setting in the other Standard products that prices include VAT.
- Unit
- Paste Special Units setting
- Specify here the quantity to which the Price refers. In the majority of cases, this will be a single item, but otherwise it might be a pair or a dozen.
- VAT Code
- Paste Special
VAT Codes setting
- The VAT Code will determine the rate at which VAT will be charged whenever you sell the Item. If you are using Standard Accounts, it will also determine the Output VAT Account to be credited with the VAT value of each sale.
- When you sell the Item (i.e. specify it in an Invoice row), the VAT Code will be chosen in this order:
- The Sales VAT Code for the Customer will be used (Standard Accounts only).
- It will be taken from this field in the Item record.
- It will be taken from the Item Group to which the Item belongs (Standard Accounts and Standard POS only).
- The VAT Code in the Account Usage S/L setting (Standard Accounts) or the Invoice Settings setting (other Standard products) will be used.
You will be able to override the choice of VAT Code in an individual Invoice row if necessary (this only applies to Sales Ledger Invoices, not POS Invoices in Standard POS).
- Closed
- Check this box if the Item is no longer to be used (you cannot delete an Item altogether if you have used it in an Invoice). Closed Items will appear in the 'Items: Browse' window but not in the Items 'Paste Special' list. You will not be able to use a closed Item in Invoices. You can re-open a closed Item at any time.
- Picture, [Add picture]
- You can attach pictures to records in the Item register. Follow these steps:
- Open the record in question. The record must already have been saved at least once (i.e. the window title must be 'Inspect' or 'Update').
- Click the [Add picture] button underneath the picture field. The 'Buddy Picture' window opens:
- If the picture is already on your hard disk, click the [Choose] button to locate it. It must be a .jpg file. The maximum picture size is 280 x 280 pixels: larger pictures will be cropped.
Alternatively, click the button with the camera icon marked 'Take a video snapshot' to take a photograph of the Item using your computer's camera.
In both cases you can then scale the picture using the slider and, if the picture is too big, move the picture by dragging so that the part you need is in the centre of the frame (the part outside the frame will be cropped).
- Finally, click the [Set] button to add the picture to the Item.
An alternative method is to use the Attachments facility, as follows:
- Click the [Attachments] button (with the drawing pin icon). A list of objects currently attached to the record is opened.
- Choose 'Attach File' from the Operations menu of this list.
- Locate the picture file on your hard disk and click [Open]. The picture will be attached to the record. It must be a .jpg file. The maximum picture size is 280 x 280 pixels: larger pictures will be cropped.
- Whichever method you use ([Add picture] or adding an attachment), the picture will appear in the Item record. You may need to close and reopen the record to see it:
The following additional field is available in Standard Accounts:
- Sales A/C
- Paste Special
Account register, Nominal Ledger
- A Sales Account will be credited whenever you sell the Item, allowing you to record the levels of sales of different types of Items in the Nominal Ledger. The default Sales Account will be chosen in this order:
- It will be taken from this field in the Item record.
- It will be taken from the Item Group to which the Item belongs.
- The Sales Account in the Account Usage S/L setting will be used.
The following additional fields are available in Standard POS:
- Classification
- Paste Special
Item Classifications setting
- Enter here the Classification to which the Item belongs. Items can belong to more than one Classification: enter as many Classifications as necessary, separated by commas.
- Barcode
- Record the Item's Barcode here.
- Providing the Barcode does not clash with your Item Numbers, you can enter it instead of the Item Number whenever you need to add the Item to a POS Invoice. If you have a barcode scanner, you can also add the Item to POS Invoices by scanning its barcode.
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