Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard Accounts >> Documents Anterior Siguiente Capítulo Completo en versión p/Impresión Buscar Este texto se hace referencia a la versión del programa 6.3 Document Definition You must assign a Form to each document before you print it for the first time. The Form is the design or layout of the document. For example, if you have designed a Form with the Form Code of "INVOICE", you need to connect it to the Invoice document so that the Form will be used when you print the document. You can have a single Form for each document, or you may have several versions of a particular type of document, to be used on different occasions.To assign a Form or Forms to a document, follow these steps:
The 'Define Document' function is available for every document, allowing a high level of flexibility in the production of printed output from each Standard product. --- In this chapter:
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