
Individual Documents - Open Invoice Customer Statement

The Open Invoice Customer Statement document is included in the following Standard products:
  • Standard Accounts (Sales Ledger module)

  • Standard Invoicing

The Open Invoice Customer Statement document lists the open (unpaid) Invoices owed by each Customer. It is similar to the report of the same name, but as it is a document you can design the printed output to meet your requirements using the Form register. Whereas the report is intended for internal use, the document is to be sent to the Customer.

Paste Special    Customers in Contact register
Range Reporting    Alpha
If necessary, enter here the Contact Number of the Customer (or range of Customers) for whom you wish to print statements.

Paste Special    Customer Categories setting
If you want to print statements for Customers of a particular Category, specify that Category here.

Days of delay (not less than)
If you only wish to include Invoices in the statements that are overdue by more than a certain number of days, enter that number here.

Include Open Credit Notes
Check this box if you would like to include in the statement Credit Notes that have not yet been allocated to specific Invoices.

Specify here which Invoices are to be included on the statement.
This option lists all unpaid Invoices in the statement.

This option lists only Invoices due for payment on the statement. These are Invoices whose Payment Terms have expired.

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