Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard Accounts >> Reports Anterior Siguiente Capítulo Completo en versión p/Impresión Buscar Este texto se hace referencia a la versión del programa 6.3 Individual Reports - Correction List The Correction List report is included in the following Standard products:
The Correction List is a list of the corrections and updates made to Transactions from a specified period. You can make corrections to Transactions using the 'Correction Mark' function on the Operations menu of the Transaction window, while you can make updates using the 'Update Mark' function on the same menu. If you are using Standard Accounts, Transactions created from Sub System records that you then invalidated will also be included in the list of updated Transactions in the report. You cannot change the definition of this report. When printed to screen, the Correction List has the Drill-down feature common to many reports in Standard products. Click on any Transaction Number in the report to open an individual Transaction record. Double-clicking 'Correction List' in the 'Reports' list opens the following window:
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