
Sales Ledger

The Sales Ledger report is a summary of the position on each Customer's account. Together with the Open Invoice Customer Statement and Periodic Customer Statement reports, it is a very useful tool for debt-chasing purposes.

In its basic form, it shows Customer Name and Telephone Number and, for each Invoice, the amount outstanding, the Reminder Level, the Due Date and the age or number of days overdue. However, it can be reformatted in many different ways, and you can specify any selection you want.

When printed to screen, the History and Overview options of this report have Hansa's Drill-down feature. Click on any Invoice or Receipt Number to open an individual Invoice or Receipt record. Click on the age of an Invoice to activate the 'Transfer to Bad Debtors' Maintenance function for the Invoice in question.

Paste Special    Customer register
Range Reporting    Alpha
If necessary, enter here the Customer Number of the Customer (or range of Customers) you wish to include in the report.

Paste Special    Customer Categories setting, Sales Ledger
If you want to restrict the report to Customers of a particular Category, specify that Category here.

Paste Special    Customer Classifications setting, CRM module (if installed)
Enter a Classification Code in this field if you want to report on Customers with a certain Classification. If you enter a number of Classifications separated by commas, only those Invoices made out to Customers featuring all the Classifications listed will be shown.

Classification Types
Paste Special    Classification Types setting, CRM module (if installed)
Enter a Classification Type in this field if you want to report on Customers with Classifications belonging to that Type. If you enter a number of Classification Types separated by commas, Invoices made out to Customers with a Classification belonging to any of the Types listed will be shown.

Paste Special    Person register, System module
Specify a salesman.

Paste Special    Object register, System module
To list Invoices with a single Object, enter that Object here. This refers to Objects entered at Invoice level, not those entered for Invoice rows. If you enter a number of Objects separated by commas, only those Invoices featuring all the Objects listed will be shown.

The total for On Account Receipts and Prepayments shown for each Customer will be calculated from Receipt rows with the appropriate Object(s) specified on flip F.

Object Type
Paste Special    Object Types setting, Nominal Ledger
To list Invoices with Objects belonging to a particular Object Type, enter that Object Type here. This refers to Objects entered at Invoice level, not those entered for Invoice rows.

Paste Special    Currency register, System module
This field is only used in combination with the Rate Diff. option (below). Please refer to the description of that option for details.

If necessary, you can print a report showing the debtor situation as it was on a particular date. To do this, enter that date here. If you don't need to use this feature, leave the field blank.

Use these options to control the level of detail shown in the report.
With this option selected, the report lists for each Invoice any Receipts, partial payments and Credit Notes.

This option is a summary showing an outstanding balance, due date and age for each unpaid Invoice.

Select this option to show in a single line per Customer the outstanding totals of all unpaid Invoices sorted into ageing periods. The distribution of the age groups is defined using the Age Limits setting in this module.

Detailed Aged
This option lists for each Customer all individual unpaid Invoices, showing the ageing period in which each falls. The telephone number of the Customer is also shown.

This choice simply prints the total outstanding balance for each Customer.

Rate Diff
Currency Invoices in the Sales Ledger carry with them an implicit rate gain or loss, to be realised at the time of payment. This option calculates the rate difference for unpaid Invoices at the current Exchange Rate.

If the Currency field is empty, rate differences will be calculated for Invoices in all Currencies. Otherwise, rate differences will only be calculated for Invoices in the specified Currency.
Use these options to determine what figures are to be shown in the report.
Booked Value
All figures in the report will be converted to the home Currency, using the Exchange Rate for the Transaction Date.

Select this option if you want the report to show amounts in the Currencies used on Invoices and Receipts.
Use these options to determine which Invoices are included in the report.
Select this alternative to include all unpaid Invoices.

Include only those Invoices that are due for payment (i.e. those whose Payment Terms have expired).
The report can be sorted by Customer Number or Name.

Use these options to specify whether Invoices marked as Disputed, No Reminder and/or No Collection are to be included in the report.

Show Prepayment Nos
By default, the History and Overview options include a total for On Account Receipts and Prepayments for each Customer. Check this box if you would like the Prepayments to be listed individually. Both the Receipt Number of the Receipt record containing the Prepayment and the Prepayment Number from flip D of the relevant Receipt row will be shown for each Prepayment.

Show Base Currency 2 Totals
By default, the report contains figures in the home Currency (Base Currency 1) for the overall outstanding balance and the total due (i.e. the amount that is outstanding where the Payment Terms have expired). Check this box if you would like these figures to be expressed in Base Currency 2 as well.

Only Interest Invoices
Use this option if you only want Interest Invoices to be listed in the report.

Show Invoice Comment
Check this box if you would like Comments from the 'Identifiers' card of each Invoice record to be shown in the report.

Show Debtor Accounts
If this box is checked, the Debtor Accounts affected by the Invoices in the main part of the report will be listed at the end, together with balances (calculated from the Invoices in the report only). It has no effect in the Rate Diff. version of the report.

Show Instalments
Invoices are payable in instalments if they have Payment Terms that refer to a record in the Instalments setting. These Invoices are shown in the report as being due on their Due Date, which is also the Due Date of the final instalment. Check this box if you would like to see the instalments listed individually, with their own Due Dates and outstanding balances. If you double-click on the age figure of an instalment in order to transfer the debt to the Bad Debtor Account, the whole outstanding debt for the Invoice will be transferred, not that for the individual instalment.