

In Enterprise by HansaWorld, you can work with several windows on the screen at the same time. The window that is currently in use is known as the 'active window'. That is the uppermost window, where the title bar is not dimmed.

You can move the active window by dragging the title bar, and change its size by dragging the size box in the bottom right-hand corner. Close the window by clicking the close box or by pressing the Esc key on your keyboard. If you are using Mac OS X, clicking the close box of a window while holding down the Alt key will close all windows, while Windows and Linux users can use the 'Close All' function on the Window menu. In addition, you can save attributes such as size, sort order and position for a particular window using the Window menu. The Window menu is described here. If you have several windows open, you can bring each one to the front in turn using the Ctrl-Tab or ⌘-Shift-N keyboard shortcuts.


You can have up to 100 windows open at the same time. It is however a good habit to close a window when it is no longer needed. Too many open windows may become confusing.

There are seven types of window:

  1. Browse windows

  2. Record windows

  3. Report windows

  4. List windows

  5. Specification windows

  6. File dialogue windows

  7. Business Communicator window
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