Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Area de Trabajo >> Menú y Sub-menúes Anterior Siguiente Capítulo Completo en versión p/Impresión Buscar Este texto se hace referencia a la versión del programa 6.4 Edit Menu - Cut 'Cut' removes the data you have selected (highlighted) and puts a copy in the Clipboard. The Clipboard is a special part of the computer's memory that temporarily stores a single piece of data. You can then insert ('Paste') this data somewhere else, as many times as necessary, until you 'Cut' or 'Copy' something else. That will replace the old contents in the Clipboard.In certain fields, e.g. the Account Number fields in a Transaction that has already been saved, you may not remove the data, and thus cannot use 'Cut'. If you want to copy the contents of such a field, use the 'Copy' command instead. --- In this chapter:
Anterior Siguiente Arriba Capítulo Completo en versión p/Impresión |