Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Area de Trabajo >> Menú y Sub-menúes Anterior Siguiente Capítulo Completo en versión p/Impresión Buscar Este texto se hace referencia a la versión del programa 6.4 Record Menu - Invalidate You can use this function when an Invoice or Purchase Invoice is open in a record window, when you need to remove an Invoice from the Sales Ledger or a Purchase Invoice from the Purchase Ledger. Any associated Nominal Ledger Transaction will be removed from the Nominal Ledger as well. As illustrated below, an invalidated Invoice is easily distinguished because all fields have red lines drawn through them, as illustrated below. You can invalidate many other records including Payments, Goods Receipts, Cash Transactions, Asset Disposals, Activities, Expenses and Personnel Payments in the same way.In the case of Sales Invoices, the function is designed for use in situations where Invoice Numbers are pre-determined (perhaps through being printed on Invoice stationery) and where it is not desirable to raise a Credit Note. It is not recommended for use where the cancelling of an Invoice has implications for the stock system. In these circumstances, you should issue a Credit Note, and receive the goods back into stock using the Goods Receipt or Returned Goods registers. These issues are fully described here.
In multi-user systems, you can prevent certain users from invalidating records using Access Groups. To do this, deny access to the relevant Action. For example, to prevent a user invalidating Invoices, deny them access to the 'Invalidating Sales Invoices' Action. Access Groups are described here. --- In this chapter:
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