
Object Types

Use this setting to define the different Object categories you are going to use in the accounting. Objects are discussed in greater detail here: Object Types allow you to group Objects of a similar nature together.

When you enter a Nominal Ledger Transaction, you can only use one Object of a particular Object Type in a Transaction row. Also, you can only specify one Object of a particular Object Type in a Sub System record (e.g. an Invoice). If you try to use more than one Object of the same Object Type, the following warning appears when you try to save the record:

Creating an Object Type

Double-click 'Object Types' in the 'Settings' list. A list of existing Object Types appears. Click [New] in the Button Bar to enter a new record.

Enter the text. The code field will show only uppercase letters. (Lower-case letters are automatically converted to uppercase.) You can move between fields with the arrow keys or with Enter. Use a name that identifies the Object Type as clearly as possible.

If you specify a series of characters in the Start String field, the Object Codes of all Objects belonging to this Type will have to begin with those characters. If you specify a number of characters in the Length field, the Object Codes of all Objects belonging to this Type will have to have that number of characters.

Confirm the entry by clicking [Save], or, if modifying an existing record, restore the old data by closing the window or by clicking [Cancel]. Close the window with the close box.

Deleting an Object Type

  1. Double-click 'Object Types' in the 'Settings' list.

    The 'Object Types: Browse' window opens.

  2. Find the Object Type you are interested in, using the Search field in the top right-hand corner of the window if necessary.

  3. Press the Enter key (or double-click the line).

    The Object Type is shown in a window with the title 'Object Types: Inspect'.

  4. Select 'Delete' from the Records menu. The Object Type is removed permanently. The window changes to show the previous Object Type in the list.

  5. Close the window with the close box. The list of Object Types is shown again.


You cannot undo a deletion of an Object Type.