Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Business Alerts >> Settings Anterior Siguiente Capítulo Completo en versión p/Impresión Buscar Este texto se hace referencia a la versión del programa 6.4 Contact Reservation Alerts Whenever you confirm and save a Reservation, a text (SMS) message can be sent automatically to the Customer, to acknowledge that you have received their confirmation. If you want to use this feature, follow these steps:
For the text (SMS) message to be sent successfully, you must have entered the Mobile Number as an international number. You can place + or 00 at the beginning of a number, but + is to be preferred as it is the standard method of signifying international numbers and will not change. If you have set the SMS Type to "SMS" in the Business Alerts setting, the sending of each text (SMS) message will be completely automatic. Therefore, you will not be given the opportunity to personalise the message. However, if you set the SMS Type to "Suggest", the 'Text SMS: New' window will open when you save a confirmed Reservation. This will give you the opportunity to personalise the message. When you click the [Save] button, your Signature will appear in the Person field and the Sent box will be marked automatically, signifying that the message has been sent. If you click the [Cancel] button, the message will not be sent or saved. The Contact Reservation Alerts setting contains the following options and fields:
--- Settings in the Business Alerts module:
Anterior Siguiente Arriba Capítulo Completo en versión p/Impresión |