
Banking File - Namibia

This page contains some guidance about where to enter information in order for it to be included correctly in Banking File export files when they are produced using the Namibia Payment File Format.


  1.     In the Company Info setting:

    1. Ensure the Company Name is correct.

    2. Enter your bank account number in the Bank 1 field (11 characters will be exported).

    3. Enter the Sort Code (branch code) of your bank in the Bank 2 field (six characters will be exported).

  2. In the Contact records for each Supplier, enter the Supplier's bank account number in the Bank Account field and the branch code of the branch where the account is held in the Sort Code field. This information will be exported from the Contact records for each Supplier, not from the Payment rows. So if you forget to enter a Supplier's bank details before entering a Payment, you can make the correction in the Supplier record before exporting. However, any changes that you make to a Supplier's bank details in a Payment row won't be exported.
  1. Each Payment record should only contain payments (rows) to one Supplier. If a Payment record contains payments to more than one Supplier, it will be exported incorrectly.
  1. You must specify a Payment No. or range of Payment Nos. in the specification window.

Export functions in the Purchase Ledger and Integration modules:

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