Search HansaManuals Home >> Standard ERP >> Piegādātāji >> Purchase Invoice Register Iepriekšējā Nākamā Rādīt visu nodaļu Meklēt Šis apraksts rakstīts programmas versijai 7.2 Preliminary Booking It is possible to make a preliminary booking of a Purchase Invoice when you receive it. In some companies, Purchase Invoices are passed around within the organisation for some time, in order for the expense to be approved and classified properly.If you need to use this feature, enter the Invoice to the Purchase Invoice register as soon as you receive it in the normal way but tick the Prel. Book box as well, as shown in the illustration below: Once a preliminary Transaction has been generated, you can look at it straight away using the 'Open Preliminary NL Trans.' function on the Operations menu. To look at the final Transaction, use 'Open NL Transaction' on the same menu (both function can be made subject to access rights). You can use Access Groups to control who can tick the Prel. Booking box in Purchase Invoices and Purchase Credit Notes. To do this, deny access to the 'OK Purchase Invoices' and 'OK Purchase Credit Notes' Actions respectively. The same Actions control access to both the Prel. Booking and the OK check boxes. If you need Purchase Invoices to pass through an approval process before you can mark them as OK, you can configure such a process using the Approval Rules register in the Business Alerts module. The same approval process will also control access to the Prel. Booking box i.e. after a Purchase Invoice has passed through the same approval process, you will be able to tick both the Prel. Booking and OK check boxes. Please refer to the description of the Approval Status options on the 'Inv. Address' card of the Purchase Invoice window for brief details about the approval process and here for full details. --- In this chapter:
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