This function allows you to print cheques for Payments.
If you print a Payment that has not been Ordered, the text "Test Printout" will be printed diagonally across the page as a watermark. If you do not want this watermark, use the
If you use this form to print a Payment record that contains payments issued to more than one Supplier, separate pages will be printed for each Supplier. So, when you design the Form Template to be used by the Cheque Document, the fields that you can add fall into three broad categories:
Listed below are the fields you can use when you design the Form Template to be used by the Cheque Document. If you do not want to print the decimal places in numeric fields, choose the Cut Decimals option in the record in the Values in Text setting for the Language specified in the Company Info setting.
Field in Form Template | Prints (from Payment record) |
| |
The following fields will print information from the header of a Payment record and will therefore print the same information for each Supplier: |
| |
Day | The day from the Trans. Date. For example, the day from 2/1/2013 will be printed as "2" |
Document Type | Prints the word "Payment" |
From Bank | Comment |
From Bank Account | Own Bank A/C |
Invalid Invoice | Prints the phrase "Document not valid as an invoice" |
Month | The month from the Trans. Date. For example, the month from 2/1/2013 will be printed as "1" |
Month in words | The name of the month in the Trans. Date, taken from the record in the Days and Months setting in the System module for the Language of the Supplier or, if that is blank, the Language in the current user's Person record |
Note | Prints the text of the first Note attached to the Payment. If you specify a Field Argument, the Note whose Comment is the same as the Field Argument will be printed |
Payment Date | Payment Date |
Payment Mode | Payment Mode |
Payment Number | No. |
Payment Number for Russia | Prints the No. of the Payment with the first three characters removed |
Reference | Reference |
Registration Date | Payment Date |
Serial Number (Number Series) | No. |
Transaction Date | Trans. Date |
Year | The year from the Trans. Date. For example, the year from 2/1/2013 will be printed as "2013" |
| |
The following fields will print Supplier-specific information. This information will be taken from the first row in a Payment in which a Supplier is used or from the Contact record for the Supplier: |
| |
ANA Code | ANA Code from the Contact record for the Supplier |
Comment 2 | Text from the first Payment row for a Supplier. To print this information for each row individually, use the "Comment" row field |
Currency | I. Cur from the first Payment row for a Supplier or, if blank, Base Currency 1 |
Customer Comment (speclev) | Comment from the Contact record for the Supplier ('Company' card) |
Customer Registration No. 1 | Reg. No. 1 from the Contact record for the Supplier |
Customer Registration No. 2 | Reg. No. 2 from the Contact record for the Supplier |
Delivery Address | Name (if you are using the Organisation Name option in the Form Settings setting) and Invoice Address from the Contact record for the Supplier. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field. Use the Form Settings setting to set the format of this field (e.g. to specify whether blank lines will be printed, whether parts of the address will be printed on the same line, etc.) |
Delivery Address 2 | Name and Invoice Address from the Contact record for the Supplier. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field |
Our Customer Number | Their Customer Code from the Contact record for the Supplier |
Supplier | No. from the Contact record for the Supplier |
Supplier Fax | Fax from the Contact record for the Supplier |
Supplier Name | Name from the Contact record for the Supplier |
Supplier Telephone | Telephone from the Contact record for the Supplier |
Supplier VAT Reg. Number | VAT Reg. No. from the Contact record for the Supplier |
To Bank Account | To Bank A/C from the first Payment row for a Supplier. To print this information for each row individually, use the "Bank Account" row field |
| |
These fields print information from the record in the Banks setting for the Account Operator specified in the Contact record for the Supplier: |
| |
Bank Address 0 | First line of the Address |
Bank Address 1 | Second line of the Address |
Bank Address 2 | Third line of the Address |
To Bank | Name |
To Bank 1 | Clearing |
To Bank 2 | Account (IBAN) |
| |
The following fields will print Supplier-specific information that will be calculated by adding all rows in a Payment for a particular Supplier together. The " Text" fields will print phrases constructed using the relevant record in the Values in Text setting for the Language of the Supplier or, if that is blank, the Language in the current user's Person record or in the Company Info setting: |
| |
Amount in Text | Prints as a phrase the sum of the Invoice Values for a Supplier. |
Amount in Text, Cents | Prints as a phrase the digits after the decimal point in the sum of the Invoice Values for a Supplier |
Amount in Text, Units | Prints as a phrase the first digit before the decimal point in the sum of the Invoice Values for a Supplier |
Amount in Text, Tens | Prints as a phrase the second digit before the decimal point in the sum of the Invoice Values for a Supplier |
Amount in Text, Hundreds | Prints as a phrase the third digit before the decimal point in the sum of the Invoice Values for a Supplier |
Amount in Text, Thousands | Prints as a phrase the fourth digit before the decimal point in the sum of the Invoice Values for a Supplier |
Amount in Text, 10 Thousands | Prints as a phrase the fifth digit before the decimal point in the sum of the Invoice Values for a Supplier |
Amount in Text, 100 Thousands | Prints as a phrase the sixth digit before the decimal point in the sum of the Invoice Values for a Supplier |
Amount in Text, Millions | Prints as a phrase the seventh digit before the decimal point in the sum of the Invoice Values for a Supplier |
Amount in Text, 10 Millions | Prints as a phrase the eighth digit before the decimal point in the sum of the Invoice Values for a Supplier |
Amount in Text, 100 Millions | Prints as a phrase the ninth digit before the decimal point in the sum of the Invoice Values for a Supplier |
Bank Total | Accumulated sum of the Invoice Values from each Payment row, converted to Base Currency 1 using the Exchange Rate for the Trans. Date. For example, if a Payment has four rows with two payments to Supplier 1 and two payments to Supplier 2, this field will print the sum of the Invoice Values from the first two rows on the first page, and the sum of the Invoice Values from all four rows on the second page. To print a total for each Supplier converted to Base Currency 1, use the "To Pay in Base 1" field |
Cheque Number 2 | Prints as a list each Cheque No. used in the Payment. This will be the Cheque No. from the Own Cheque or Cheque record quoted in the Cheque No. field on flip C (if the Type of the Payment Mode is "Own Cheques" or "Received Cheques" respectively), or the Cheque No. from flip C itself (otherwise). As it prints a list, you should specify a Line Height for this field. You should also set the Format to "Header". This field will not be printed if the VAT Law in the Company Info setting is "Argentinean": use "Cheque Number" instead (described towards the end of this page) |
Cheque Total 2 | Prints as a list the Amounts from the Own Cheque records for each Cheque No. As it prints a list, you should specify a Line Height for this field. You should also set the Format to "Header". Together with the previous field, this allows you to add a table to the Form Template showing the amounts that were paid using each Cheque No. Amounts will only be printed if the Type of the Payment Mode is "Own Cheques" or "Received Cheques". This field will not be printed if the VAT Law in the Company Info setting is "Argentinean": use "Cheque Total" instead (described towards the end of this page) |
Payment Mode on Row Non-Duplicate | Prints as a list the Comments from each Payment Mode used for a Supplier. As it prints a list, you should specify a Line Height for this field. You should also set the Format to "Header" |
Payment Mode on Row Non-Duplicate Totals | Prints as a list the sums of the Invoice Values for a Supplier paid using each Payment Mode. As it prints a list, you should specify a Line Height for this field. You should also set the Format to "Header". Together with the previous field, this allows you to add a table to the Form Template showing how much was paid using each Payment Mode |
Row Sum Total | The sum of (Sent Value + Settlement Discount) for a Supplier in the Sent Currency |
Settlement Discount Total | The sum of the Settlement Discounts for a Supplier in the Sent Currency |
Settlement Discount 2 Total | The sum of the Settlement Discounts for a Supplier in the Bank Currency |
Supplier Invoice Number | Prints the Supp. Inv. No. of each Purchase Invoice being paid, as a string separated by commas. To print this information for each row individually, use the "Invoice Number 2" row field |
To Pay | The sum of the Invoice Values for a Supplier. If this figure is less than zero, the word "Void" will be printed |
To Pay in Text | Prints as a phrase the sum of the Invoice Values for a Supplier. |
To Pay in Base 1 | The sum of the Invoice Values for a Supplier, converted to Base Currency 1 using the Exchange Rate for the Trans. Date |
To Pay in Text in Base 1 | Prints as a phrase the sum of the Invoice Values for a Supplier, converted to Base Currency 1 using the Exchange Rate for the Trans. Date. |
To Pay in Base 2 | The sum of the Invoice Values for a Supplier, converted to Base Currency 2 using the Exchange Rate for the Trans. Date |
To Pay in Text in Base 2 | Prints as a phrase the sum of the Invoice Values for a Supplier, converted to Base Currency 2 using the Exchange Rate for the Trans. Date. |
To Pay Rus Payment Form | The sum of the Invoice Values for a Supplier, with a dash as the decimal separator. If this figure is less than zero, the word "Void" will be printed |
Total excluding Withheld TAX | The sum of the Invoice Values for a Supplier, with Withholding Tax subtracted. In some countries such as Argentina, this is the amount that will be paid to a Supplier because Withholding Tax should be paid directly to the tax authority. If this figure is less than zero, the word "Void" will be printed |
Total Row Total | The sum of (Bank Amount + Settlement Discount) for a Supplier in the Bank Currency |
Total Sum | The sum of the Bank Amounts for a Supplier in the Bank Currency |
Total Sum in Text | Prints as a phrase the sum of the Bank Amounts for a Supplier |
Total Withheld TAX | The sum of the Bank Amounts for a Supplier from rows with a Withholding Tax Code (i.e. the total Withholding Tax amount for the Supplier). If this figure is less than zero, the word "Void" will be printed |
VAT Report Value | The sum of the VAT Values for a Supplier |
Withholding Certificates No. | Prints the Certificate No. of each Withholding Certificate connected to a Payment, as a string separated by commas. |
| |
Row Fields (these print once per Payment row, so remember to specify a Line Height and to set the Format to "Matrix"): |
| |
Amount | Invoice Value (from flip B) |
Amount for Bielarussian Payment Form | Invoice Value, with an equal sign in place of the decimals and decimal separator (for example, 123.45 will be printed as 123=) |
Amount for Russian Payment Form | Invoice Value, with a dash as the decimal separator |
Bank Account | To Bank A/C (from flip H) |
Bank Currency | B. Cur. (i.e. Bank Currency) or, if blank, Base Currency 1 |
Bank Value | Bank Amount |
Cheques Serial Number | Cheque No. (from flip C) |
Comment | Text |
Due Date | Due Date of the Purchase Invoice being paid |
Invoice Date 2 | Invoice Date of the Purchase Invoice being paid |
Invoice No. | No. of the Purchase Invoice being paid |
Invoice Number 2 | Supp. Inv. No. of the Purchase Invoice being paid |
Invoice Type (short) | Type of the Purchase Invoice being paid (prints "1" for an Invoice, "2" for a Cash Note or"3" for a Credit Note) |
Payment Mode, row | Comment from the Payment Mode (from flip C or, if blank, from the header) |
Received Currency | S. Cur. (i.e. Sent Currency) or, if blank, Base Currency 1 |
Received Value | Sent Value |
Reference (Invoice) | Reference from the Purchase Invoice being paid |
Row Sum | Bank Amount + Settlement Discount in the Bank Currency |
Settlement Discount | Settlement Discount in the Sent Currency |
Settlement Discount 2 | Settlement Discount in the Bank Currency |
Total Row | Sent Value + Settlement Discount in the Sent Currency |
VAT | VAT Value (from flip E) |
VAT for Russian Payment Form | VAT Value, with a dash as the decimal separator |
VAT %, row | VAT percentage from the V-Cd (from flip E) (prints blank if the rate is 0%) |
| |
The following fields print information related to the Own Cheques and Received Cheques used in a Payment. In most countries, these are standard row fields that will be printed once per Payment row. They will, print information from the Cheque records quoted in the Cheque No. field on flip C of each row (in all cases except "Cheque Number", they will only print values if the Type of the Payment Mode is "Own Cheques" or "Received Cheques"). You should specify a Line Height and to set the Format to "Matrix" in each field. |
| |
In Argentina (i.e. if the VAT Law in the Company Info setting is set to "Argentinean"), these fields will behave differently. They will be printed once for each Cheque Number and so they allow you to add a table to the Form Template listing the Own Cheques and Received Cheques used in a Payment together with related information. You should specify a Line Height in these fields, and set the Format to "Header": |
| |
Bank Name | Bank Name from the Cheque record quoted in the Cheque No. field on flip C |
Cheque Number | Cheque No. from the Cheque record quoted in the Cheque No. field on flip C. Outside Argentina, if there is no connected Cheque record and/or if the Type of the Payment Mode is not "Own Cheques" or "Received Cheques", prints the Cheque No. from flip C itself |
Cheque Total | Amount from the Cheque record quoted in the Cheque No. field on flip C |
Date Created | Reg. Date from the Cheque record quoted in the Cheque No. field on flip C (Argentina only) |
Effective Date | Effect Date from the Cheque record quoted in the Cheque No. field on flip C |
Registration Date | Reg. Date from the Cheque record quoted in the Cheque No. field on flip C (not Argentina) |
for details of the standard fields that you can also include in the Form Template.