
Purchase Invoice Forms

Depending on your Form design, the Purchase Invoice document should contain a summary of all the information registered for a particular Invoice. This can include Supplier data, dates, Payment Terms, Account usage etc. The documentation can serve as a support to the persons checking the invoice and authorising payments.

Enter the Purchase Invoice Number if you wish to print a single Invoice, or a range of numbers separated by a colon (:) if you wish to print several. You must specify a Purchase Invoice Number or range of Numbers: if you leave this field empty, no documents will be printed.

Use these options to specify whether you want all Purchase Invoices in the specified range printed, or only those that have not been marked as OK.
You can also print this document by clicking on the Printer icon when viewing a Purchase Invoice record, or print it to screen by clicking the Preview icon.

You can use the fields listed below when you design the Form to be used by the Purchase Invoice document. If you do not want to print the decimal places in numeric fields, choose the Cut Decimals option in the record in the Values in Text setting for the Language specified in the Company Info setting.

Field in FormPrints (from Purchase Invoice)
Header Fields (these print once per Purchase Invoice)
Branch Account OperatorAccount Operator of the Contact specified in the Branch field
Branch AddressName and Address of the Contact specified in the Branch field. This information will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field
Branch Bank AccountBank Account of the Contact specified in the Branch field
Branch Bank Account 2Bank Account 2 of the Contact specified in the Branch field
Branch E-mailE-mail of the Contact specified in the Branch field
Branch FaxFax of the Contact specified in the Branch field
Branch IBANIBAN Code of the Contact specified in the Branch field
Branch PhoneTelephone of the Contact specified in the Branch field
Branch Primary ContactPrimary Contact of the Contact specified in the Branch field
Branch Registration No. 1Reg. No. 1 of the Contact specified in the Branch field
Branch Registration No. 2Reg. No. 2 of the Contact specified in the Branch field
Branch WWW AddressWeb Site of the Contact specified in the Branch field
Currency Currency
Customer Registration No. 1Reg. No. 1 from the Contact record for the Supplier
Customer Registration No. 2Reg. No. 2 from the Contact record for the Supplier
Customer VAT Reg. NumberVAT Reg. No. from the Contact record for the Supplier
Invoice DateInvoice Date
Net AmountSum of the Amounts from each Purchase Invoice row
Payment TermsPay. Terms
Reference (Invoice) Reference
Sales Invoice No. Invoice Number of connected Sales Invoice (Sales Invoices will be created from Purchase Invoice Credit Notes if you are using the Create Sales Invoice from Credit Note option in the Account Usage P/L setting)
Serial Number (Number Series) No.
Supplier Invoice NumberSupp. Inv. No.
Supplier NameName
Supplier VAT Reg. NumberVAT Reg. No. from the Contact record for the Supplier
To PayIf VAT in the Purchase Invoice header is blank, prints TOTAL - Withh. Tax - Calculated VAT. Otherwise, prints TOTAL - Withh. Tax - VAT
Transaction Date (transdate) Trans. Date
VATIf VAT in the Purchase Invoice header is blank, prints Calculated VAT. Otherwise, prints VAT
Withholding AmountWithh. Tax
Row Fields (these print once per row, so remember to specify a Line Height and to set the Format to "Matrix")
CommentDescription or, if blank, the Name from the Account record
Cost AccountA/C
Description 1The correct translation for the Language of the Purchase Invoice of the Item Description, or the Item description itself
Item Code Item
Object, rowObjects
Row NumberRow number (only printed if a row has an A/C)
Row SumAmount
UnitIf the Item has a Unit, the correct translation for the Language of the Purchase Invoice of the Comment from the Units setting, the Comment itself or the Unit Code
Unit PriceAmount/Qty. This figure will be rounded to three decimal places if, in the Round Off setting, you have set Discount Calculation to Row Sum. If you have set Discount Calculation to Unit Price, rounding will obey the Default for Calculated Values rounding rules in the same setting. However, you can overrule this by entering "0" or a positive number as the Field Argument. For example, to round to the nearest whole number, enter "0", or to round to one decimal place, enter "1".

Please click here for details of the standard fields that you can also include in the Form.


Documents in the Purchase Ledger:

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