
Delivery Addresses - Address Card

Enter the Delivery Address here.

If you have specified a Delivery Address on the 'Delivery' card of the Contact record, it will be used as a default in Quotations, Orders, Invoices and Deliveries entered in this Contact's name. There is no need to enter a separate record in this setting for that address.

Contact, Telephone, Fax, E-mail
Enter the contact details for the Delivery Address in the appropriate fields.

Paste Special    Countries setting, System module
The Country where the Delivery Address is located.

When you specify a Country, the Freight Code and the VAT Zone (below) will be brought in from the relevant record in the Countries setting.

In the UK, if you need to use the 'Intrastat Invoices (UK)' Export function in the Sales Ledger, you should specify a Country in every Delivery Address record. In the case of domestic Delivery Addresses (i.e. Delivery Addresses in the UK), enter “GB”: do not leave the field empty. The ‘Intrastat Invoices (UK)’ function will use this Country when determining whether to include an Invoice in the Intrastat export file, and will also include it in the export file as the country to which the goods on an Invoice were exported. HM Revenue and Customs require you to use two-character ISO Country Codes: you can find a list in their Notice 60 document, available from

Paste Special    Regions setting, Sales Ledger
The Region (e.g. the state, province or county) where the Delivery Address is to be found. This will be copied to the Region field in all Quotations, Orders, Invoices and Deliveries using this Delivery Address, in place of the standard Region of the Customer.

GLN Field is used to record the Global Location Number of the delivery address. In some countries it is mandatory to have this information on the e-invoice records.

Freight Code
Paste Special Freight Companies setting, System
Freight Code refers to a record in the Freight Companies setting where information is stored regarding the courier or haulage companies that your business uses to deliver goods to this delivery address or to its customers. In some countries, it is a legal requirement that this information be printed on Delivery documentation.

The name of department this delivery address belongs to can be recorded here. This might be necessary if you are dealing with several departments at the same delivery address.

This field can be used to specify the route to be taken by the courier or haulage company to delivery these goods to this delivery address

GST Code
Paste Special VAT GST Code setting, System
If the delivery address has a specific GST tax code then use this field to record the appropriate GST code.