GP, Invoices
This report shows the calculated Gross Profit for Invoices. The gross profit is calculated from the individual Invoice rows, using the row sum and the Cost Price on
flip C.
If you enter an Invoice directly to the Invoice register, the Cost Price on flip C of each Invoice row will usually be taken from the relevant Item record. If an Item is Serial Numbered at the Batch or Unit level, you are using the Cost Price for Serial Number option for that Item and you are using the Use Actual Cost Price for GP Cost option in the Cost Accounting setting in the Stock module, the appropriate Cost Price for the Serial Number will be brought in as the Cost Price when you specify a Serial Number on flip D.
If you create an Invoice from an Order or a Delivery, the Cost Price on flip C of each Invoice row will usually be taken from the relevant Order row. If you are using the Update GP on Order when Delivering option in the Order Settings setting, the actual cost of sales value (calculated using the Cost Model e.g. FIFO, LIFO or Weighted Average value) of the Item will be copied back to the Order row, and from there will be copied on to the Invoice row. This will ensure the cost of sales value of the Item sold will be used in the gross profit calculation. However, if you are using the Update GP at Invoicing option in the Cost Accounting setting in the Stock module, an Invoice row will not take the Cost Price from the relevant Order row. Instead, the Cost Price will be taken from the relevant Item record. If you are updating Item Cost Prices from Goods Receipts, this will ensure the latest Cost Prices will be used in gross profit calculations.
The GP, Invoices report has the Standard ERP Drill-down feature. Click on any Invoice Number in the report to open an individual Invoice record.

- Period
- Paste Special
Reporting Periods setting, System module
- Enter the report period. Invoices from the period specified here (based on Invoice Date) will be included in the report.
Card 1
- Invoice No
- Range Reporting
- Enter an Invoice Number or a range of Numbers separated by a colon (:) here if you would like specific Invoices to be shown in the report.
- If you choose the option on card 2 to include POS Invoices and you have both Invoices and POS Invoices with Invoice Numbers that match your entry in this field, then both will be included in the report.
- Customer, Salesman, Sales Group, Item, Item Classification, Item Group, Object, Object from Row, Payment Term
- Limit the selection with a combination of these fields. For each, a 'Paste Special' link is available to the appropriate register or setting.
- If you are using the Limited Access feature and the user producing the report is only able to see their own records or records belonging to members of their Sales Group, their Signature will appear in the Salesman field (in the first case) or their Sales Group in the Sales Group field (in the second case) and can’t be changed. Please refer to the description of the 'Access' card of the Person register for full details about the Limited Access feature.
- If you specify a Salesman, the report will list Invoices with that Salesman specified at the header level. It will not list Invoices where the Salesman has been specified in a row. You can also specify a number of Salesmen separated by commas, in which case the report will only show Invoices featuring all the Salesmen listed. For example, if you enter Salesman A, the report will list Invoices for Salesman A, Salesmen A,B and Salesmen A,B,C. But if you enter Salesmen A,B, the report will not list the Invoices for Salesman A.
- Function
- Specify here the level of detail required in the report.
- Overview
- This option produces a report with a single line for each Invoice, showing the Invoice Number and Date, Customer Number, Sum (excluding VAT), Profit % and Profit.
- Detailed
- This option shows the gross profit made on each row of each Invoice.
- Status
- Specify here whether you would like Invoices that have been marked as OK, Invoices that have not been marked as OK or both to be included in the report.
Card 2

- Location
- Paste Special
Locations setting Stock module
- Specify a Location if you only want to display the profit figures of Invoices featuring that Location. The profit of an Invoice row will be assigned to the Location specified in that row (flip B) or, if blank, to the Location specified at Invoice level (on the 'Del. Terms' card).
- Branch
- Paste Special
Customers, Suppliers and Contact Persons in Contact register
- Specify a Branch if you only want to display the profit figures of Invoices featuring that Branch. This will be useful if your company has several Branches (e.g. several shops): the Branch where each Invoice was created will be recorded on the 'Del. Terms' card (taken from the Local Machine setting in the User Settings module).
- Function
- Use these options to specify how the gross profit figures in the report will be calculated, as follows:
- Cost Price
- The Cost Price figures on flip C of each Invoice row will be used. If an Invoice is not in your home Currency, row sums will be converted using the Exchange Rates in the Invoice.
- Cost Price B2
- The Cost Price B2 figures on flip C of each Invoice row will be used (i.e. the Cost Price in Base Currency 2). Row sums will be converted to Base Currency 2 using the Base Rates in the Invoice.
- Queued Cost
- The Row FIFO figures on flip D of each Invoice row will be used (i.e. the cost of sales values). If an Invoice is not in your home Currency, row sums will be converted using the Exchange Rates in the Invoice. If the Row FIFO field is empty in an Invoice created from an Order, the cost of sales value will be taken from the appropriate Delivery row.
- Include
- Check the boxes to include Invoices of different types in the report.
- SVO Invoices only
- An SVO Invoice is one that was created from a Service Order (i.e. one whose Service Order No field on the 'Identifiers' card contains a value). Use this option if you want the report to show SVO Invoices only. You must select the Normal option above as well.
- Include POS Invoices
- If you select this option, an extra section will be added to the report listing the POS Invoices that meet the selection criteria.
Reports in the Sales Ledger:
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