Legal Invoice Form Usage
The Legal Invoice Forms Usage report provides detailed analysis of the number sequences listed in the
Legal Record Numbers setting.
The report contains five sections, as follows:
- Start balance
- Displays the usage of each number sequence prior to the report period. For each number sequence, the first unused number, the last number in the sequence and the quantity of unused numbers are shown. Every number sequence that was valid prior to the beginning of the report period will be listed, irrespective of whether they have been used.
- Forms received
- Displays the number sequences that began during the report period. For each number sequence, the first and last numbers in the sequence and the quantity of numbers in the sequence are shown. Every number sequence that began during the beginning of the report period will be listed, irrespective of whether they have been used.
- Invoice forms used
- Displays the usage of each number sequence during the report period. For each number sequence, the first and last numbers used, the quantity of numbers used and the total value including VAT of Invoices in the sequence are shown. Only number sequences that have been used will be listed.
- Invoice forms invalidated
- Lists the number sequences that contain invalidated Invoices from the report period. For each number sequence, the first and last numbers of the invalidated Invoices, the quantity of invalidated Invoices and the total value including VAT of invalidated Invoices in the sequence are shown. You can choose to omit this section from the report.
- Invoice forms left/available
- Displays the availability of unused numbers in each number sequence. For each number sequence, the first unused number, the last number in the sequence and the quantity of unused numbers are shown. Every number sequence will be listed, irrespective of whether they have been used.

- Period
- Paste Special
Reporting Periods setting, System module
- Specify the report period. Please refer to the description above the illustration for details about how the period will be used in each section of the report.
- Skip Invalidated Invoices
- Select this option if you would like to omit the "Invoice forms invalidated" section from the report.
Reports in the Sales Ledger:
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