N/L Transfer, Invoices
This report lists Invoices entered in the specified period and summarises their Account and Object usage. This is useful if you have chosen not to have Nominal Ledger Transactions generated automatically when you mark Invoices as OK: you can use the Detailed version of the report as an aid when entering such Transactions manually while you can use the Overview if you need to enter a single Nominal Ledger Transaction for the overall movement of each Account/Object combination.
To obtain an equivalent report for Receipts, use the N/L Transfer - Sub Systems report in the Nominal Ledger.

- Period
- Paste Special
Reporting Periods setting, System module
- Enter the report period. The report will list Invoices whose Transaction Dates fall in the period specified here. The first period listed in the Reporting Periods setting will be used as a default.
- Invoices
- Range Reporting
- Enter an Invoice Number or a range of Numbers separated by a colon (:) here if you would like specific Invoices to be shown in the report.
- Include Quantities
- Use this option if you would like the quantities sold to be shown in an extra column in the report.
- Function
- Use these options to specify the level of detail that will be shown in the report.
- Overview
- This version of the report first displays a list of Invoices from the report period or specified range. For each Invoice, the Invoice Number, Date, Customer Number and Name and TOTAL (including VAT) will be shown. You can open individual Invoice records by clicking the Invoice Numbers if you need to check them. There will then be a list of the amounts that should be posted to each Account/Object combination in order to record the listed Invoices in a single summary Transaction in the Nominal Ledger.
- Detailed
- Compared to the Overview, the Detailed version of the report provides more detail in the first section listing the Invoices from the report period or specified range. For each Invoice, it lists the amounts that should be posted to each Account/Object combination in order to record the Invoice in an individual Transaction in the Nominal Ledger. VAT Codes will also be shown.
Reports in the Sales Ledger:
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