Receipt Journal
This report is a chronological listing of the
Receipts entered during the specified period. You can control the selection to show a range of Receipt Numbers or Receipts with a certain Payment Mode.
For each Receipt, the report will display the Number, Payment Mode, Transaction Date and total value. The Receipt rows will be listed individually, showing the Invoice Number of the Invoice being paid, Customer Number and Name and Received or Bank Value. At the end of the report, total amounts received using each Payment Mode will be shown.
When printed to screen, the Receipt Journal has the Standard ERP Drill-down feature. Click on any Receipt or Invoice Number in the report to open an individual Receipt or Invoice record.

- Period
- Paste Special
Reporting Periods setting, System module
- Enter the report period. Receipts with Transaction Dates that fall in this period will be listed in the report. The first row of the Reporting Periods setting will be the default value.
- Receipt No.
- Range Reporting
- Use this field to restrict the report to a single or a range of Receipts.
- Payment Mode
- Paste Special
Payment Modes setting, Sales/Purchase Ledger
- To limit the report to a single Payment Mode, enter the Payment Mode here. This refers to the Payment Mode entered on flip C of each Receipt row. In the case of rows with no Payment Mode, that specified in the header will be used.
- Customer
- Paste Special
Customers in Contact register
- To list Receipts received from a particular Customer, enter their Customer Number here.
- Reference
- To list Receipts with a particular Reference, enter that Reference here.
- Sign
- Paste Special
Person register, System module
- To list Receipts that were entered by a particular Person i.e. the Receipts that were saved for the first time by that Person), enter that Person's Signature here.
- Status
- Specify here whether Receipts that have been marked as OK, Receipts that have not been marked as OK or both are to be included in the report.
- Show
- Use these options to choose whether the report is to show the Received Value from each Receipt row, or the Bank Value. Usually, these figures will only be different if they are in different Currencies.
- Show Official No.
- Use this option if you would like the Official Serial Number of each Invoice being paid to be included in the report (in addition to its Invoice Number).
Reports in the Sales Ledger:
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