Sales Ledger
The Sales Ledger report is a summary of the position on each Customer's account. It lists the Invoices that you have issued to your Customers that have not yet been paid. For each Invoice, the Due Date, the outstanding amount and the number of days by which it is overdue are shown, so, together with the Receipts Forecast, Open Invoice Customer Statement and Periodic Customer Statement reports, it is a very useful tool for debt-chasing purposes.
When printed to screen, this report has the Standard ERP Drill-down feature. Click on any Customer Number in the report to open the Contact record for a Customer, or on an Invoice or Receipt Number to open an individual Invoice or Receipt record. In the Overview version of the report, you can also click on the age of an Invoice to activate the 'Transfer to Bad Debtors' Maintenance function for the Invoice in question.
You can have the Aged version of this report sent to a specified Mailbox or Conference automatically every day. Please refer to the Sales Ledger Due Report page for details.
- Customer
- Paste Special
Customers in Contact register
- Range Reporting Alpha
- If you need to report on a particular Customer, enter their Customer Number here. You can also enter a range of Customer Numbers, separated by a colon (:).
Card 1
- Category
- Paste Special
Customer Categories setting, Sales Ledger
- If you want to restrict the report to Customers belonging to a particular Customer Category, specify that Category here.
- Classification
- Paste Special
Contact Classifications setting, CRM module (if installed)
- Enter a Classification Code in this field if you want to report on Customers with a certain Classification. If you enter a number of Classifications separated by commas, only those Customers featuring all the Classifications listed will be included in the report.
- Classification Types
- Paste Special
Classification Types setting, CRM module (if installed)
- Enter a Classification Type in this field if you want to report on Customers with Classifications belonging to that Type. If you enter a number of Classification Types separated by commas, Customers with a Classification belonging to any of the Types listed will be included in the report.
- Salesman
- Paste Special
Person register, System module
- To list Invoices with a particular Salesman, enter their Signature here. This refers to Salesmen entered at Invoice level, not those entered for Invoice rows.
- You can also specify a number of Salesmen separated by commas, in which case the report will only show Invoices featuring all the Salesmen listed. For example, if you enter Salesman A, the report will list Invoices for Salesman A, Salesmen A,B and Salesmen A,B,C. But if you enter Salesmen A,B, the report will not list the Invoices for Salesman A.
- If you use the Include On Account option below, a Customer with the specified Person as Salesman will also be included in the report if they have a Prepayment/On Account balance.
- If you are using the Limited Access feature and the user producing the report is only able to see their own records, their Signature will appear here by default and can't be changed. Please refer to the description of the 'Access' card of the Person register for full details about the Limited Access feature.
- Objects
- Paste Special
Object register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- If you need to list Invoices with a single Object, enter that Object here. This refers to Objects entered at Invoice level, not those entered in the Invoice rows. If you enter a number of Objects separated by commas, only those Invoices featuring all the Objects listed will be shown.
- The total for Prepayments and On Account Receipts shown for each Customer will be calculated from Receipt rows with the appropriate Object(s) specified on flip F.
- Object Type
- Paste Special
Object Types setting, Nominal Ledger
- To list Invoices with Objects belonging to a particular Object Type, enter that Object Type here. This refers to Objects entered at Invoice level, not those entered in Invoice rows.
- The totals for Prepayments and On Account Receipts shown for each Customer will be calculated from Receipt rows with Objects belonging to the appropriate Object Type specified on flip F.
- Currency
- Paste Special
Currency register, System module
- To list Invoices in a particular Currency, enter that Currency here.
- The totals for Prepayments and On Account Receipts shown for each Customer will be calculated from Receipt rows with the appropriate Currency specified in the Received Currency field.
- This field is also used in combination with the Rate Differences option (below). Please refer to the description of that option for details.
- Due more than
- If you only wish to include Invoices in the report that are overdue by more than a certain number of days, enter that number here. In other words, you can use this field if you want to exclude from the report Invoices that have only just become overdue.
- The overdue calculation will be based either on Invoice Dates or on Due Dates, depending on whether you select the Aged based on Invoice Date option on card 2.
- Date
- Paste Special
Choose date
- If necessary, you can print a report showing the debtor situation as it was on a particular date. To do this, enter that date here. If you don't need to use this feature, leave the field blank.
- Debtors A/C
- Paste Special
Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- If you would like to list Invoices with a particular Debtors Account, specify that Account here.
- The totals for Prepayments and On Account Receipts shown for each Customer will be calculated from Receipt rows posting to the specified Account (visible on flip H of each Receipt row).
- Function
- Use these options to control the level of detail shown in the report.
- In all cases, the age of each Invoice can be calculated from the Due Date or the Invoice Date, depending on whether you select the Aged Based On Invoice Date option on card 2.
- An Invoice whose Disputed box has been checked will be marked with an asterisk (*).
- Detailed
- Where the Overview simply shows the outstanding balance of each Invoice, this option provides more detail, listing for each open Invoice any partial payments and Credit Notes.
- Overview
- The Overview shows each Customer's Number, Name and Telephone Number and, for each outstanding Invoice, the Invoice Number, the Invoice Date, the Payment Terms, the Due Date, the age (i.e. number of days overdue or until the Due Date), the Reminder Level and the outstanding balance.
- The age figures that will be printed in the "Days" column in the report will depend on the Show Delay Days options in the Age Limits setting in the Sales Ledger. If you are using the Open and Overdue option, the number of days by which an Invoice is overdue will be printed in this column as a negative figure. If an Invoice is not yet due for payment, the number of days until the Due Date will be printed as a positive figure. However, if you are using the Overdue Only option in the Age Limits setting, the number of days by which an Invoice is overdue will be printed as a positive figure. If an Invoice is not yet due for payment, "0" will be printed.
- Aged
- Select this option to show in a single line per Customer the outstanding totals of all unpaid Invoices sorted into ageing periods. The distribution of the age groups is defined using the Age Limits setting in this module or the Accounting Periods setting in the Nominal Ledger.
- By default, the Not Overdue figures in this report will include open Prepayments and On Account values. If you would like open Prepayments and On Account values to be shown in a separate column (headed "Unallocated"), use the Separate column for unallocated payments option in the Age Limits setting.
- Detailed Aged
- This option is similar to the Aged option, but lists the unpaid Invoices issued to each Customer individually, showing the ageing period into which each falls. The telephone numbers of each Customer are also shown.
- Balance
- This choice simply prints the total outstanding balance payable by each Customer. For each Customer, a balance in your home Currency will first be shown, followed by separate balances for each Currency you have used with the Customer.
- Rate Differences
- Currency Invoices in the Sales Ledger carry with them an implicit rate gain or loss, to be realised at the time of payment. This option calculates the rate difference for unpaid Invoices at the current Exchange Rate.
- For each Customer, the report shows an outstanding total in Currency, a "Current" figure (the outstanding total converted to Base Currency 1 using the current Exchange Rate), a "Booked" figure (the outstanding total converted to Base Currency 1 using the Exchange Rate in the Invoice(s)) and the difference between the Current and Booked figures. A Customer will only be included in the report if the difference figure is not zero.
- If the Currency field above is empty, rate differences will be calculated for Invoices in all Currencies. Otherwise, rate differences will only be calculated for Invoices in the specified Currency.
- Rate Diff. Detailed
- This option is similar to the Rate Differences option, but lists the unpaid Invoices issued to each Customer individually, showing the exchange rate differences for each one.
- Amounts
- Use these options to determine what figures are to be shown in the report.
- Base Currency 1
- All figures in the report will be converted to your home Currency (i.e. Base Currency 1), using the relevant Exchange Rate for each Transaction Date.
- Currency
- Select this option if you want the report to show amounts in the Currencies used in Invoices and Receipts. Note: the Aged version of the report will always show figures in your home Currency.
- On Account
- Use these options to control how Prepayments and On Account Receipts will be included in the report.
- Include On Account
- The Overview and Detailed options will list the outstanding Invoices for each Customer, followed by a total Prepayment and On Account Receipt figure for the Customer. In the other versions of the report, Prepayments and On Account Receipts will be included in the figures.
- Only On Account
- The Overview and Detailed options will only display total Prepayment and On Account Receipt figures for each Customer (i.e. outstanding Invoices will not be listed). In the other versions of the report, the figures shown will only be calculated from Prepayments and On Account Receipts.
- Skip On Account
- The Overview and Detailed options will only list the outstanding Invoices for each Customer. No Prepayment and On Account Receipt figures will be shown. In the other versions of the report, Prepayments and On Account Receipts will not be included in the figures.
- Show Prepayment No.
- The Overview and Detailed versions of the report will include a total On Account Receipt and Prepayment figure for each Customer, if you use the Include On Account or Only On Account options above. Check this box if you would like the Prepayments to be listed individually as well. The Prepayment Number from flip D of the relevant Receipt row will be shown for each Prepayment. These Prepayment Numbers will have the Standard ERP Drill-down feature: click a Prepayment Number to open a Prepayment History S/L report for the Prepayment.
- Status
- Use these options to determine that Invoices that will be included in the report.
- Open
- The report will list all unpaid Invoices.
- Overdue
- The report will only list those Invoices that are due for payment (i.e. Invoices whose Payment Terms have expired).
- Sorting
- The report can be sorted by Customer Number or Name.
- Disputed
- Use these options to specify whether Invoices marked as Disputed are to be included in the report. A Disputed Invoice will be marked with an asterisk (*).
Card 2

- Language
- Paste Special
Languages setting, System module
- If you would like to list Invoices with a particular Language, specify that Language here.
- Show Base Currency 2 Totals
- By default, the total figures at the end of the report showing the overall outstanding balance, the total due (i.e. the amount that is outstanding where the Payment Terms have expired) and the total that is not yet due will all be displayed in your home Currency (Base Currency 1). Check this box if you would like these figures to be expressed in Base Currency 2 as well.
- Choosing this option will have no effect in the two Rate Difference versions of the report.
- Only Interest Invoices
- Use this option if you only want Interest Invoices to be listed in the report.
- Show Invoice Comment
- Check this box if you would like Comments from the 'Identifiers' card of each Invoice record to be shown in the report.
- Show Official Ser. No.
- Use this option if you would like the Official Serial Number of each Invoice to be included in the report.
- If you print the report using the Overview, Detailed Aged or Rate Diff. Detailed options, the Official Serial Number will be printed instead of the Invoice Number. If you print the report using the Detailed option, the Official Serial Number will be printed as well as the Invoice Number.
- Show Debtor Accounts
- Use this option if you would like a section to be added to the end of the report, listing the Debtor Accounts used in the Invoices in the main part of the report, together with balances (calculated from the Invoices shown in the report only).
- Choosing this option will have no effect in the two Rate Difference versions of the report.
- Show Instalments
- Invoices will be payable in instalments if they have Payment Terms that are connected to records in the Instalments setting. Such an Invoice will be shown in the report as being due on its Due Date (which will be its Invoice Date plus any Net Days specified in the Payment Term). Check this box if you would like to see the instalments listed individually, with their own Due Dates and outstanding balances. If you click on the age figure of an instalment in order to transfer the debt to the Bad Debtor Account, the whole outstanding debt for the Invoice will be transferred, not that for the individual instalment.
- Aged based on Invoice Date
- Use this option to control the ageing calculation used in the report (Overview, Aged and Detailed Aged options). Turn this option off if you want the ageing calculation to start from the Due Date of an Invoice (i.e. the date when the Payment Terms expire). Turn it on if you want the ageing calculation to start from the Invoice Date.
- If you use this option, all Open Invoices (except those dated on or after the report date) will be included in the report if you choose the Overdue option on card 1. This option treats an Invoice as becoming due for payment on its Invoice Date.
- Skip No Reminder
- Select this option to exclude Invoices marked as No Reminder from the report.
- Skip No Collection
- Select this option to exclude Invoices marked as No Collection from the report.
Reports in the Sales Ledger:
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