Update Customer Classification
You can use this function when you need to add a particular Contact Classification to a selection of Customers or to those that have bought or not bought a specific Item.
This can be useful if you want to mail a selection of Customers. To do this, run this function and then, in the CRM module, create a Customer Letter record with the Classification in question on the 'Cat/Class Selection' card. You can also use the Classification to produce reports for the classified Customers. Once the Classification has served its purpose, you can remove it from these Customers by running the function once again.
On selecting the function, the following dialogue box appears:

- Customers
- Paste Special
Customers in Contact register
- Range Reporting Alpha
- Specify the Customer or Customers that are to have a Classification added or removed.
- Classification
- Paste Special
Contact Classifications setting, CRM module
- Specify here the single Classification that is to be added to or removed from the selected Customers. If you want to add or remove more than one Classification, run the function as many times as necessary.
- When adding Classifications, if a particular Customer already has this Classification, it will not be added again.
- Item No.
- Paste Special
Item register
If you are using the Has Purchased or Hasn't Purchased options below, specify an Item here. The new Classification will be added to all Customers that have bought or not bought this Item during the specified period. The function will have no effect if you do not specify an Item or Item Group. If you are using the All option, this field will not affect the operation of the function.
- Item Group
- Paste Special
Item Group register, Sales Ledger
- If you are using the Has Purchased or Hasn't Purchased options below, specify an Item Group here. The new Classification will be added to all Customers that have bought or not bought Items belonging to this Item Group during the specified period. The function will have no effect if you do not specify an Item or Item Group. If you are using the All option, this field will not affect the operation of the function.
- Turnover greater than
- Enter a figure in this field if you need the new Classification to be added to or removed from Customers whose sales turnover excluding VAT during the period specified below is greater than or equal to that figure.
- If you simply need the new Classification to be added to or removed from high value Customers, choose the All option below. If you need the new Classification to be added to or removed from high value Customers who have or have not purchased a particular Item, choose the Has Purchased or Hasn't Purchased options.
- The figure that you enter here should be in your home Currency (Base Currency 1).
- Customer Sales Currency
- Paste Special
Currency register, System module
- Enter a Currency here if you need the new Classification to be added to or removed from Customers that have a particular Currency as their Sales Currency.
- Item Sold in Period
- Paste Special
Reporting Periods setting, System module
- This field has two purposes:
- If you are using the Has Purchased or Hasn't Purchased options below, the new Classification will be added to or removed from the Customers that have bought or not bought the specified Item during the period entered here.
- If you enter a minimum turnover figure in the field above, the new Classification will be added to or removed from Customers whose sales turnover excluding VAT during the period specified here is greater than or equal to that figure.
- Function
- Choose whether the Classification is to be added to or removed from the selected Customers.
- Which Customers
- Choose whether the new Classification is to be added to all Customers in the selection or to those that have bought or not bought the specified Item.
- If you select the All option, the Item and Item Group fields will have no effect.
- If you select the All or Hasn’t Purchased options, the Classification may be added to or removed from any record in the Contact register, not just Customers
Click the [Run] button in the Button Bar to run the function. When it has finished, you will be returned to the 'Maintenance' list window.
There is a similar Maintenance function in the CRM module, 'Add Class to Customers'. This has the advantage of allowing you to add Classifications to Customers belonging to a particular Category or existing Classification. It also offers the possibility of adding Classifications based on Items covered by Contract.
Maintenance functions in the Sales Ledger:
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