Use the Regions setting to store specific areas inside your country e.g. counties, states or provinces.
Once you have entered the Regions in this setting, you can specify a Region in each Contact record ('Delivery' card) and in each record in the Delivery Addresses setting in the Sales Orders module. The correct Region will then be transferred from the Delivery Address or the Contact to Quotations, Orders and Invoices ('Del. Address' card) and Deliveries ('Address' card). If you need to enter a one-off Delivery Address in one of these records, you can also specify the correct Region.
When you first open the setting, the 'Regions: Browse' window is displayed, showing all Regions previously entered. Double-click a record in the list to edit it, or add a new record by selecting 'New' from the Create menu or using the Ctrl-N/⌘-N keyboard shortcut.

Enter a Region Code and Name, and then save the record by clicking the [Save] button in the Button Bar or by clicking the close box and choosing to save changes. To close the record without saving changes, click the close box.
The remaining fields and check boxes in Region records are only used in Argentina. They are briefly described below: please refer to your local HansaWorld representative for full details.
- Reg. Perc. Tax A/C
- Paste Special Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- The Account that you specify here will be used as a default when you add a new row for the Region to a record in the Regional Perception Taxes per Customer setting (and when a new for the Region is added by the 'Regional Perceptions & Withholdings (Argentina)' Import function in the Sales and Purchase Ledgers). This Account will be credited with the value of Regional Perceptions Tax from Sales Invoices.
- Fixed Regional Perception Taxes Rate
- Select this option if you do not want the Tax % field in rows for the Region in Regional Perception Taxes per Customer records to be updated when you run the 'Regional Perceptions & Withholdings Corrections (Argentina)' Import function in the Sales and Purchase Ledgers. This function allows you to import the latest Perception and Withholding Tax specifications when they are updated by the tax authorities.
- Fixed Withholdings Taxes Rates
- Select this option if you do not want the Tax % field in rows for the Region in records in the Supplier Withholdings setting in the Purchase Ledger to be updated when you run the 'Regional Perceptions & Withholdings Corrections (Argentina)' Import function in the Sales and Purchase Ledgers.
Settings in the Sales Ledger:
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