
Reminder Texts

If you need to send Reminders to Customers whose Invoices have become overdue for payment, you can print them using any of the following forms:
Debtors Letter
Will print a single reminder for each Customer with at least one outstanding Invoice.

Open Invoice Customer Statement
Will print a single reminder for each Customer with at least one outstanding Invoice. You can send Open Invoice Customer Statements to Customers by email using the 'Create Open Invoice Customer Statement E-mail' Maintenance function.

Will print a separate document for each overdue Invoice, so a single Customer may receive several reminders.
The number of times an overdue Invoice has previously been subject to Reminders and included in Open Invoice Customer Statements will be recorded in the Reminder Level field, visible on the 'Price List' card. When you print Reminders and Statements, the Reminder Level of each Invoice will be increased if you select the Increase Reminder Level option and providing an Invoice is overdue (i.e. the Reminder Level of an Invoice that is not yet due for payment will not be increased).

You can have a reminder message printed on each of these forms. This message will be of increasing severity depending on the Reminder Levels of the outstanding Invoices. To have the reminder message printed, add the "Reminder Level (remtext)" field to the Form Templates for the Debtors Letter and Open Invoice Customer Statement forms, and the "Reminder Text" field to the Form Template for the Reminders form.

When you print a Debtors Letter or an Open Invoice Customer Statement for a particular Customer, that Customer's open Invoices will be listed together on a single page. The Reminder Levels in the Invoices in the Letter or Statement will be checked and the reminder message for the highest Level will be printed on the form. However, as the Reminders form will print a separate page for each Invoice, the severity of the reminder message will depend on the Reminder Level of the individual Invoice being printed.

Use this Reminder Texts setting to compose your reminder messages. You can enter one record for each Language in this setting: each record should contain a set of three messages.

To work with the Reminder Texts setting, ensure you are in the Sales Ledger and choose 'Settings' from the File menu or click the [Settings] button in the Navigation Centre. Double-click 'Reminder Texts' in the 'Settings' list: the 'Reminders: Browse' window will open, listing the Reminder Texts that you have previously entered. Double-click an item in the list to edit, or add a new record by selecting 'New' from the Create menu or using the Ctrl-N/⌘-N keyboard shortcut. When the record is complete, click the [Save] button in the Button Bar to save it.

Paste Special    Languages setting, System module
You can enter one set of Reminders for each Language. When you next print a Reminder for an Invoice, its message will be in the Language of the Invoice (shown on the 'Price List' card).

It can be useful to enter a set of Reminders with a blank Language field. This set will be used for Invoices with no Language, and for Invoices with a Language for which there are no Reminders. For example, if the Language of an Invoice is German and you have no German set of Reminders, the set of Reminders with a blank Language field will be used.

Enter a descriptive name for the set of Reminders.

Reminder 1, 2, 3
Use these fields to enter three messages of increasing severity.

When you print a Reminder for an Invoice, the reminder message will be chosen depending on the Reminder Level of the Invoice. For example, if the Reminder Level of an Invoice is 2, the message will be taken from the Reminder 2 field in this setting, and so on. If the Reminder Level of an Invoice is greater than 3, the message will be taken from the Reminder 3 field.

Settings in the Sales Ledger:

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