
Introduction to Reports in the Nominal Ledger

As with all modules, to print a report in the Nominal Ledger, click the [Reports] button in the Master Control panel or use the Ctrl-R (Windows and Linux) or ⌘-R (Macintosh) keyboard shortcuts. Then, double-click the appropriate item in the list.

The following reports are available in the Nominal Ledger:

A specification window will then appear, where you can decide what is to be included in the report. Leave all the fields in this window blank if the report is to cover all the Transactions in the database. If you need to restrict the coverage of the report, use the fields as described individually for each report.

You can often report on a selection range, such as a range of Accounts, or a range of Items. To do this, enter the lowest and highest values of the range, separated by a colon. For example, to report on Accounts 001 to 010, enter "001:010" in the Account field. Depending on the field, the sort used might be alpha or numeric. In the case of an alpha sort, a range of 1:2 would also include 100, 10109, etc.

Use the Media options at the bottom of the specification window to determine the print destination of the report. The default is to print to screen. You can initially print to screen and subsequently send the report to a printer by clicking the Printer icon at the top of the window. You can also print the report to disk as a text file. This will be useful if you want to format the report in your house style before printing.

Once you have entered the reporting criteria and have chosen a print destination, click [Run].