Object/Quantity Report
This report provides a detailed analysis of Object usage during the report period. Sorted by Object, the report shows balances for each Object/Account combination for the report period. For comparison purposes, Budget and Revised Budget figures for the report period are also shown.

- Period
- Paste Special
Reporting Periods setting, System module
- The reporting period. Enter the first and last date separated by a colon (:).
- Object
- Paste Special
Object register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- Range Reporting Alpha
- Enter an Object Code to limit the report to just one Object.
- Object Type
- Paste Special
Object Types setting, Nominal Ledger
- Enter an Object Type to limit the report to Objects in that group.
- Object Group Length
- You should use this field together with the Show Group Sub Accounts option. Please refer to the description of this option below for details.
- Show Sub Accounts
- This report can show subtotals for groups of Accounts or Objects with the same initial characters. Use these option to control this feature.
- Don't Show
- Use this option if you don't want to use the group subtotalling feature.
- Show Sub Accounts
- Use this option if you would like the report to show subtotals for groups of Accounts, grouped using the first character of the Account Code.
- For example, if your Sales Accounts are in the range 100-199, the report will show a separate balance for each Account and a balance for all Sales Accounts (because they share the same initial character, "1"). These balances are all per Object.
- Show Group Sub Accounts
- Use this option if you would like the report to show subtotals for groups of Objects, grouped using the initial characters of the Object Code. Specify the number of initial characters that are to be the same using the Object Group Length field above.
- For example, if the Object Group Length is 2, the report will contain individual sections for Objects 010, 011, 012 etc. and a separate section for these Objects grouped together (i.e. all Objects with the initial characters of "01").
- This option also provides subtotals for groups of Accounts, as described for the Show Sub Accounts option above.
- Values in
- If you are using the Dual-Base system, values in this report can be shown in either Base Currency. Use these options to choose which Currency is to be used on this occasion.
- If you are not using the Dual-Base system, use the Base Currency 1 option to produce a report in your home Currency.
- New page for each Object
- Check this box if you would like each Object to have a separate page. This applies when the report is printed to a printer only.