
Working with Records

Current Record

When you wish to work with a particular record, you can open its record window using one of the following methods. All methods give the same result.

  • Double-click the record in a browse window.

  • Select the record in a browse window and press Enter.
With the record opened in a record window, you can edit every field in the usual way. Some fields may be locked due to relations to other functions in the program. If this is the case, Standard ERP will tell you.

New Record

You can create a new record from a browse window or a record window, using the following methods:

  • Select 'New' from the Create menu;

  • Select 'New' from the Record menu; and

  • Use the Ctrl-N (Windows and Linux) or ⌘-N (Mac OS X) keyboard shortcut.
You can also create a new record from the Navigation Centre, using the following method:
  • Open the + drop-down menu in the Button Bar of the Navigation Centre (in the top right-hand corner if you are using Windows or Linux, towards the top left if you are using Mac OS X), and select the register in which you want to create the new record. In all cases, a blank record will be opened in a record window.
Duplicate Record

You can copy a record from a browse window or a record window. Select the record you want to copy and:

  • Select 'Duplicate' from the Create menu;

  • Select 'Duplicate' from the Record menu; or

  • Use the Ctrl-K or Ctrl-Y (Windows and Linux) or ⌘-Y (Mac OS X) keyboard shortcuts.
A new record will be created. information from almost every field in the original record will be transferred to the new one. In many cases, dates will not be copied, with the current date being used instead.

Delete Record

  1. Open the record window for the record you want to delete.

  2. Select 'Delete' in the Record menu.
You cannot delete a record that is used by other transactions, such as an Account.


You cannot undo the deletion of a record.

In most cases, you cannot delete a record directly from a browse window. You must open the record first. The exception is a Mail, which you can only delete from the browse window.

When you use the 'Delete' command, you will usually not be asked if you are sure you want to go ahead with the deletion. If you would like such a warning to appear, switch on the Prompt When Deleting option in the Local Machine setting in the User Settings module. In a multi-user system, you will need to choose this option separately on each client machine.

You can prevent a particular user or group of users from deleting records using Access Groups.

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