Profit & Loss - Printing
Open the 'Reports' list window and double-click 'Profit & Loss'. The 'Specify Profit & Loss Report' window is opened.

- Period
- Paste Special
Reporting Periods setting, System module
- The report period. Enter first and last date. The first period in the Reporting Periods setting is the default.
- Budget period
- Paste Special
Reporting Periods setting, System module
- If you are using the Budget or Revised Budget Comparisons (below), specify the Budget period here. The first period in the Reporting Periods setting is the default. If you leave this field blank, the report period above will be used.
- Header
- Enter your own title for the report.
- Objects
- Paste Special
Object register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- Enter an Object Code to reduce the scope of the report. If you leave this field empty, the Account balances in the report will be calculated from all Transaction rows, with and without Objects. If you enter a number of Objects separated by commas, only those Transaction rows featuring all the Objects listed will be included in the calculations.
- Object Type
- Paste Special
Object Types setting, Nominal Ledger
- Enter an Object Type Code in this field if you want the report to show Account Balances calculated from Transaction rows with Objects belonging to a certain Object Type.
- Including Unspecified
- Check this box if, for each Account, you want to show a balance figure for Transaction rows for Objects belonging to the Object Type specified above and a second balance for all other Transaction rows.
- Currency
- Paste Special
Currency register, System module
- If you specify a Currency here, the Account balances in the report will be calculated only from those Transaction rows with the specified Currency shown on flip C. The balances will be calculated using the figures on flip C of those Transaction rows (i.e. they will be in the chosen Currency). If you leave this field blank, all Transaction rows will be included in the calculations. In this case the calculation will use the figures in the Base 1 or Base 2 Debit or Credit fields on flip A (choose which Base Currency is to be used using the Values In options described below).
- Language
- Paste Special
Languages setting, System module
- You can produce the Profit & Loss report in different Languages: enter the required Language Code here. The appropriate translation for each Account Name will be taken from the 'Texts' card of the Account record and for each report heading or sub-heading from the report definition (please refer to the Balance Sheet Definition page for full details).
- If you do not enter a Language here, but you have entered a Language in the Company Info setting in the System module, the report will be produced in that Language if you are using the Account Description in Company Language option in the Transaction Settings setting in the Nominal Ledger.
- Exclude Object
- Paste Special
Object register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- Enter an Object Code to remove Transaction rows with that Object from the calculations.
- Accounts
- Select how you want the Accounts printed in the report.
- All
- This option will show all Accounts that have been included in the Profit & Loss report definitions.
- Used only
- When you use this option together with the Accumulated Comparison, the report will only show Accounts that have been used. This option is similar to With Balance below, with the exception that it also includes Accounts that have been used in the period in such a way that they have no closing balances. This includes Accounts that have balances brought forward from a previous period in the financial year but that have not been used in the report period.
- When you use this option together with the Previous Year or Previous Result Comparisons, the report will show Accounts that have a closing balance either in the report period or in the same period last year.
- When you use this option together with the Budget or Revised Budget Comparisons, the report will show Accounts that either have a Budget or Revised Budget for the report period or have been used during the report period.
- Groups only
- This option does not show balances for individual Accounts. Instead, it simply shows an overall balance for each row as entered in the Profit & Loss report definitions.
- Used Groups only
- This option only shows balances for rows as entered in the Profit & Loss report definitions that have been used.
- With Balance
- When you use this option together with the Accumulated Comparison, the report will only show Accounts that have a balance for the report period. An Account that has been used in the period in such a way that it also has no closing balance will not be shown in the report. An Account that has not been used during the report period but that has a balance from a previous period in the financial year will also not be shown in the report. If you want these Accounts to be included in the report, use the Used Only option above.
- When you use this option together with the Previous Year or Previous Result Comparisons, the report will only show Accounts that have a closing balance in both the report period and in the same period last year.
- When you use this option together with the Budget or Revised Budget Comparisons, the report will only show Accounts that have a Budget or Revised Budget for the report period. Providing this criterion is met, the Account does not need to have a closing balance to be shown in the report.
- Notation
- Use these options to control the presentation of amounts in the report.
- Exact
- Shows the balances as stored in the Transactions.
- No Decimals
- Rounds the balances up or down to the nearest whole number.
- Thousands, Millions
- Divide the balances by 1,000 or 1,000,000.
- % Turnover
- Shows each account balance as a percentage of overall turnover. This option requires that 'turnover' be defined as a Key Ratio using the code "TURNO". Please refer to the page describing the definition of the Key Financial Ratios report for details about how to do this.
- Comparison in %
- This option is only valid if you use Previous Year, Budget or Rev Budget as the Comparison option (below). It causes comparison values to be expressed as percentages rather than as absolute values.
- Comparison
- Select one option for the comparison column in the report.
- Accumulated
- This option compares the report period with the Year To Date.
- Previous Year
- This compares the report period with the same period last year, and shows the difference between the two periods as an absolute figure or a percentage depending on whether you are using the Comparison in % option above.
- Previous Result
- This compares the report period with the same period last year, but does not show the difference between the two periods.
- Budget, Rev Budget
- These options compare the report period with the Budget or Revised Budget figures for the Budget period. Note that for each Budget or Revised Budget record there must be at least one entry in the grid area of the screen complete with date before they will be included in the report. If you use Objects, you should create Budget (and, if you are using them, Revised Budget) records for each Account/Object combination and overall Budgets/Revised Budgets for each Account without Objects. This will allow you to use the Budget or Revised Budget options with a particular Object, and with no Object.
- Including Simulations
- Check this box to include Simulation transactions in the report. Simulation rows of "Invalid" and "Transferred" Status will not be included.
- List Transaction Nos
- With this box checked, the Transaction Numbers of all Transactions that fall within the reporting period, together with debit and credit totals, will be listed at the bottom of the report.
- No Header
- Check this box if you want the report to be printed without a header.
- Values in
- If you are using the Dual-Base system, values in this report can be shown in either Base Currency. Use these options to choose which Currency is to be used on this occasion.
- If you are not using the Dual-Base system, use the Base Currency 1 option to produce a report in your home Currency.
- If you enter a foreign Currency in the Currency field above, the amounts in the report will be in that Currency.