
Entering an Employee record - Bank Details Card

This page describes the fields on the 'Bank Details' card of the Employee record. Please follow these links for descriptions of the other cards:
The fields on the 'Bank Details' card are provided for the purpose of storing information only. If you need the Employee's bank details to be copied to Personnel Payments, create a Person record for the Employee and enter their bank details on the 'Accounts' card.

Bank Account
Enter the Employee's main bank account number here.

Sort Code
Enter the Sort Code (branch number) of the Employee's bank here.

If the Employee's bank account has an IBAN (International Bank Account Number), enter it here (including two-character country prefix). When you save the Contact record, a validation check will be carried out to ensure the prefix is valid and the number of digits is correct for the prefix.

IBAN is a standard account number format, permitting cross border payments in Europe.

Account Operator
Paste Special    Banks setting, Purchase Ledger
Enter the name of the Employee's bank or building society here.

The Employee register in Standard ERP:

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