Employment Contract List
The Employment Contract List report allows you to produce lists of Employment Contracts that meet various criteria.
One of the powerful aspects of the Employment Contract List is that the specification window contains four period fields. These fields allow you for example to produce lists of Contracts that started recently or with trial periods ending soon for review purposes.
When printed to screen, the Employment Contract List has the Standard ERP Drill-down feature. Click (Windows/Mac OS X) or tap (iOS/Android) on any Employment Contract Number in the report to open an individual Employment Contract record.

- Number
- Range Reporting
- Specify a Contract Number or a range of Contract Numbers here if you need specific Employment Contracts to be included in the report.
- Employee
- Paste Special
Employees in Employee/Contact register
- Range Reporting Alpha
- Specify the Contact Number of an Employee or a range of Contact Numbers here if you need the Employment Contracts for particular Employees to be included in the report.
- Class
- Paste Special
Employment Contract Classes setting, Human Resources Management module
- If you want to restrict the report to Employment Contracts belonging to a particular Employment Contract Class, specify that Class here.
- Department
- Paste Special
Departments setting, Human Resources Management module/Assets module/System module
- If you want to restrict the report to Employment Contracts belonging to a particular Department, specify that Department here.
- Job Title
- Paste Special
Job Titles setting, CRM module/Human Resources Management module
- If you want to restrict the report to Employment Contracts with a particular Job Title, specify that Job Title here.
- Start Period
- Paste Special
Reporting Periods setting, System module
- If you specify a period in this field, the report will list Employment Contracts with Start Dates that fall in that period.
- This field will contain a default value, taken from the first row in the Reporting Periods setting in the System module. You can remove this default and leave the field blank if you want to use one of the other period fields below.
- End Period
- Paste Special
Reporting Periods setting, System module
- If you specify a period in this field, the report will list Employment Contracts with End Dates that fall in that period.
- You can enter a specific date or a period with start and end dates separated by a colon (:).
- Trial End Period
- Paste Special
Reporting Periods setting, System module
- If you specify a period in this field, the report will list Employment Contracts with Trial End Dates that fall in that period.
- You can enter a specific date or a period with start and end dates separated by a colon (:).
- Change Period
- Paste Special
Reporting Periods setting, System module
- If you specify a period in this field, the report will list Employment Contracts with at least one related Employment Contract Change with a Transaction Date that falls in that period.
- You can enter a specific date or a period with start and end dates separated by a colon (:).
- Sorting
- Use these options to specify whether the Employment Contracts in the report should be sorted into Employee Number, Employee Name or Department order.
- Include
- Specify here whether Employment Contracts that have been marked as OK and/or those that have not been marked as OK are to be included in the report.
- Function
- Use these options to specify the level of detail to be shown in the report.
- Overview
- This option produces a simple list of Contracts, showing for each one the Contract Number, the Start Date, the Employee Number and Name, the Job Title and the Department. This information will be taken from each Employment Contract, not from any Employment Contract Changes that might exist.
- Detailed
- In addition to the information shown in the Overview, the Detailed version of the report will also show for each Contract the Trial End Date, the End Date, the Reason and Reason Details, the Salary Type, Gross Salary and Salary Currency, and the Comment. It will also list all connected Employment Contract Changes.
- Include Terminated
- Select this option if you would like Terminated Contracts to be included in the report.
Reports in the Human Resources Management module:
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