Payment Modes - Flip B
This page describes Flip B of the Payment Modes setting. Please follow these links for descriptions of the other parts of the setting:

- Form Template
- Paste Special
Form Template register, System module
- You can allocate a different Form Template to each Payment Mode. This Form Template will be used when you print a Receipt or Payment that uses the Payment Mode, instead of the standard Form Template specified using the 'Define Form' function for the Receipt Form or Payment Form respectively. This can be useful especially in the Purchase Ledger as it allows you to have a different design of Remittance Advice for each Payment Mode.
- Objects
- Paste Special
Object register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- You can assign up to 20 Objects separated by commas to each Payment Mode. When you use a Payment Mode in a Receipt, Payment, Cash In or Cash Out, the Objects that you specify here will be assigned to the posting to the Bank or Cash Account (i.e. the Account specified on flip A of this setting) in the resulting Nominal Ledger Transaction. This will allow detailed analysis by department or cost centre.
- Type
- Paste Special
Choices of possible entries
- Use this field to specify the Type of the Payment Mode. The Type is a description of the payment method represented by the Payment Mode.
- The Payment Mode Type is used for reporting purposes, as follows:
- If you produce the Liquidity Forecast report in the Nominal Ledger using the Simulations option, the report will list Active Simulation rows posting to Accounts used in Payment Modes in which the Type is "Free", "Received Cheques", "Own Cheques", "Credit Card", "Debit Card", "Cash", "On Account" or "Bank Transfer".
- In Portugal, one of the requirements for SAF-T reporting is that the payment methods used in cash sales should be identified using different codes (representing, for example, cash, credit card, debit card, etc). These codes depend on the Type of the Payment Mode used when registering a cash sale.
- The Customer Withholdings report in the Sales Ledger fulfils a requirement in Argentina to list Receipt rows with Payment Modes in which the Type is "Regional Withholding", "Social Insurance Withholding", "VAT Withholding" or "Withholding". Please refer to your local HansaWorld representative for more details about these Types of Payment Mode.
When you specify a Payment Mode in a Receipt and Payment (either in the header or in one of the rows), the behaviour of the Receipt or Payment may change depending on the Type of the Payment Mode, as follows:
- Received Cheques
- You can use a Payment Mode whose Type is "Received Cheques" in a Receipt when you receive payment using a cheque that you have recorded in the Cheque register in the Cheques module. Using such a Payment Mode will allow you to use 'Paste Special' (from the Cheque No. field on flip C of a Receipt row) to choose the Cheque, whose Status must be Registered. Alternatively, you will be able to use the 'Create Cheque' or 'Distribute Cheque' functions to choose the Cheque. On marking the Receipt as OK and saving, the Status of the relevant Cheques will be changed to Accepted.
- You can also use a Payment Mode whose Type is "Received Cheques" in a Payment to signify that you are issuing payment by forwarding a cheque that you have received from a Customer. You will be able to use 'Paste Special' (from the Cheque No. field on flip C of a Payment row) to choose the Cheque, whose Status must be Accepted. When you first save the Payment, you will be able to leave the Cheque No. field in each row blank. However, when you mark the record as Ordered, you will then need to specify Cheque Nos in each row before you will be able to save again.
- Own Cheques
- You can use a Payment Mode whose Type is "Own Cheques" in a Payment or a Personnel Payment when you wish to issue payment using a cheque that you have recorded in the Own Cheque register in the Cheques module. Using such a Payment Mode will allow you to use 'Paste Special' (from the Cheque No. field on flip C of a Payment row or flip A of a Personnel Payment row) to choose the Own Cheque, whose Status must be Unused. Alternatively, you will be able to use the 'Prepare Cheque' or 'Cheque Run' functions (only 'Prepare Cheque' in the case of Personnel Payments) to choose the Own Cheque. When you first save the Payment or Personnel Payment, you will be able to leave the Cheque No. field in each row blank. However, when you mark the record as Ordered, you will then need to specify Cheque Nos in each row before you will be able to save again. On marking the record as OK and saving, the Status of the relevant Own Cheques will be changed to Issued.
- Credit Card
- You can use a Payment Mode whose Type is "Credit Card" in a Receipt when you receive a payment by credit card that you have recorded in the Credit Card Slip register in the Cheques module. Using such a Payment Mode will allow you to use 'Paste Special' (from the Cheque No. field on flip C of a Receipt row) to choose the Credit Card Slip, whose Status must be Received (or Deposited if the Received Value is negative). On marking the record as OK and saving, the Status of the relevant Credit Card Slips will be changed to Deposited.
Settings in the Sales Ledger:
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