The "Unit" of an Item is the quantity to which its price refers. You might, for example, sell some Items singly, some in pairs and others in dozens. In this example, the single Item, the pair and the dozen would all be separate Units.
You can list the Units that are used in your business in the Units setting in the Sales Ledger, thus making them available in a 'Paste Special' list. Having done so, you can assign main and secondary Units to your Items as follows:
- The 'Pricing' card of the Item record contains a Unit field. This is the quantity to which all prices refer. For example, if you buy and sell an Item in boxes of twelve, its Unit should be "Dozen". When you include the Item in a transaction of any kind (e.g. Purchase Order, Goods Receipt or Invoice), the Quantity will refer to this Unit. If the Quantity in an Invoice is 2, this means "two boxes of twelve". The Base and Cost Prices of the Item will also refer to this Unit. If the Base Price is 85.00, this means "85.00 for a box of twelve".
- The 'Stock' card of the Item record contains the Unit 2 and Unit Coefficient fields. These are used in some reports in the Stock module for Items where quantities are to be shown in different Units. For example, the main Unit of a liquid might be litres, but you need to know stock levels in both litres and gallons. In this case, "Gallons" will be the Unit 2, and the Unit Coefficient will be the relationship between litres and gallons.
To work with the Units setting, first ensure you are in the Sales Ledger. Then, if you are using Windows or Mac OS X, the [Settings] button in the Navigation Centre or use the Ctrl-S/⌘-S keyboard shortcut and then double-click 'Units' in the 'Settings' list. If you are using iOS or Android, select 'Settings' from the Tools menu (with 'wrench' icon) and tap 'Units' in the 'Settings' list. The 'Units: Browse' window will open, showing the Unit records that you have already entered. Double-click (Windows/Mac OS X) or tap (iOS/Android) an item in the list to edit, or add a new record by selecting 'New' from the Create menu (Windows/Mac OS X) or the + menu (iOS/Android). When the record is complete, click the [Save] button (Windows/Mac OS X) or tap √ (iOS/Android) in the Button Bar to save it.

- Code
- Enter the unique Code by which the Unit record is to be identified from elsewhere in Standard ERP . You can enter up to five characters, and you can use both numbers and letters.
- Comment
- Enter a name for the Unit record, to be shown in the 'Units: Browse' window and the 'Paste Special' list.
- Qty Factor
- The Qty Factor allows you to use a different Unit when selling an Item that is usually sold singly. In each Unit record, specify here its relationship to the single Unit. For example, in a Unit record representing a dozen, the Qty Factor will be 12 since a dozen is twelve individual Items. In a Unit record representing a single Item, the Qty Factor will be 1.
- The Qty Factor can be helpful when entering Invoices (flip E), Orders (flip H) and Quotations (flip E). For example, an Item is usually sold in single units. If you sell two dozen of them, you can enter the "dozen" Unit in the Unit field on flip E of the Invoice and "2" to the Unit Qty field. The Qty Factor will cause the Quantity on flip A to change to "24" (i.e. 2 x 12) and the pricing to be adjusted accordingly.
- Volume/Weight Factor
- The Volume/Weight Factor will be used to calculate the Weight and Density in Items that have been given the Unit. For example, if the Volume/Weight Factor is 3, the Density of an Item will be 3, and its Weight will be three times its Volume. The Density, Volume and Weight fields can be found on the 'Warehouse' card of the Item record.
- Size Entry Of, Check Size Entry
- The 'Warehouse' card of the Item record contains fields for Width, Height and Depth. You can use these options to ensure that any one, two or all three of these fields contain values in every Item record that has been given the Unit.
- For example, you want to specify that Item records must have two measurements (i.e. that two of the Width, Height and Depth fields in an Item record must be filled in). Tick the Check Size Entry box and choose the Two Dimensions option. If you try to save an Item with one or three measurements, you will be told "Invalid Size for the Item". You will be able to save the Item with no measurements.
- Invoices, Orders, Quotations, Deliveries, Goods Receipts and Production records also have Width, Height and Depth fields in the grids on their 'Items' cards. In all cases, the Check Size Entry box will ensure you save these records with the correct number of dimensions.
- Calculate Quantity
- When entering Invoices, Orders, Quotations, Deliveries, Goods Receipts and Productions, you can enter the Width, Height and Depth bought or sold and have the Quantity calculated automatically by multiplying those dimensions together. This can be useful for Items sold by area or volume. An example is provided here.
- If you want to make use of this feature, you must first select the Enable Quantity Calculation option in the Item Settings setting in the Sales Ledger. You should then tick the Calculate Quantity box in each Unit that is to have the feature. You must assign one of these Units to each Item bought or sold in this way: you cannot use the feature with Items that do not have Units specified.
- The Size Entry Of options above control how the Quantity in the transaction will be calculated, as follows:
- One Dimension
- The Quantity will be copied from the Width field
- Two Dimensions
- The Quantity will be calculated by multiplying the Width and Height (i.e. not the Width and Depth or the Height and Depth).
- Three Dimensions
- The Quantity will be calculated by multiplying the Width, Height and Depth.
- Language, Text
- Use the table in the lower part of the window if you need to enter various translations of the Unit Comment. Specify a Language in the first column using 'Paste Special' if necessary, and the appropriate translation in the second column. There is no need to enter a row for your home Language.
- These translations will be printed on documentation such as Quotations, Orders, Invoices and Purchase Orders providing you have included the "Unit Comment" (Orders, Invoices) or "Unit" (Quotations, Purchase Orders") fields in your Form Templates. The Language of the Quotation, Order, Invoice or Purchase Order will determine which translation will be printed. If a Quotation, Order, Invoice or Purchase Order does not have a Language or has a Language with no translation listed in this table, the Comment itself will be printed.
Settings in the Sales Ledger:
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