Entering a Purchase Invoice - Comment Card
This page describes the fields on the 'Comment' card of the Purchase Invoice record. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other cards:

- Factoring
- Paste Special
Contact register
- Default taken from Contact record for the Supplier (Factoring)
- If the Supplier is one that uses a factoring company (to which Payments are to be sent), enter the Supplier Number of that company here. The company must registered as a Supplier in your system (i.e. there must be a record in the Contact register with the Supplier box ticked). When you print payment forms, they will be addressed to the factoring company if there is one.
- Branch
- If your company has several Branches (e.g. several shops), you can specify the Branch where each client machine is located in the Local Machine setting in the User Settings module. You should do this individually on each client machine, and each Branch must have its own record in the Contact register. When you create a Purchase Invoice, the Branch where the client machine is located will be recorded here and cannot be changed. Branch details will be printed on the Purchase Invoice form if you have included the various Branch fields in your Form Template design.
- Statistical Value
- This field is used for Intrastat reporting. The figure that you should enter here may depend on the type of goods purchased and your country of operation, but typically you should enter the value of goods purchased plus the cost of freight and insurance to the border of your country of operation. The figure should be in the Purchase Invoice Currency and should exclude VAT. It will be used when calculating the "FOB Value, Local" and "FOB Value, foreign Currency" values in the Intrastat P/L form. It will also be used in similar calculations by the following export functions in the Purchase Ledger: Intrastat P/L (Estonia); Intrastat P/L (Finland); Intrastat P/L (Germany); Intrastat P/L (Lithuania) and Ist@at - Items Import.
- Comment
- Default taken from
Contact record for the Supplier (Comment field)
- Record here any comment about this Purchase Invoice.
- Salesman
- Paste Special
Person register, System module
- Default taken from Contact record for the Supplier or Purchase Order
- Enter the Signature of the Person responsible for the Purchase Invoice.
- This field is also used by the Limited Access feature: please refer to the description of the Sales Group field immediately below for details.
- Sales Group
- Paste Special
Sales Groups setting, System, module
- Default taken from Salesman
- The Sales Group will be brought in from the Person record when you specify a Salesman in the field immediately above. If you are using the Limited Access feature, you can use this field to prevent a user from seeing every Purchase Invoice in the 'Purchase Invoices: Browse' window by restricting their view to their own Purchase Invoices or to those of their Sales Group.
- Please refer here for full details about the Limited Access feature.
- Language
- Paste Special
Languages setting, System module
- Default taken from Contact record for the Supplier
- The Language determines the Account Descriptions that will be shown on the 'Costs' card, text for Payment Terms that will be printed in forms. Leave the field blank to use your home Language.
- You can also use the Language to determine the Form Template that will be used when you print the Purchase Invoice, and the printer that will be used to print it. This can include sending the document to a fax machine, if your hardware can support this feature. Do this in the 'Form Definition' window for the Purchase Invoice form, as described here. You can change the Language before printing the Purchase Invoice even if it has been marked as OK, to ensure it is printed on the correct printer or fax machine.
- Creditors A/C
- Paste Special
Account register, Nominal Ledger/System module
- The Creditor Account specified here will be credited when you mark the Purchase Invoice as OK and save it, to post it to the Nominal Ledger. The default will be chosen as follows:
- The Creditor Account specified for the Supplier in the Contact register will be used.
- The Creditor Account will be taken from the Supplier Category to which the Supplier belongs. If the Supplier does not belong to a Supplier Category but instead belongs to a Customer Category, the Creditor Account will be taken from there.
- The default Creditors Account entered in the Account Usage P/L setting will be used.
If the Payment Term of the Purchase Invoice (shown on the 'Terms' card) is of the "Cash" type (i.e. the Invoice is a cash Invoice), the Cash Account to be credited will be shown here, chosen as follows:
- The Cash Account will be taken from the Payment Term specified in the Invoice.
- The Cash Account entered in the Account Usage P/L setting will be used.
- Org. Supp.
- This field will be used when you issued a Purchase Order to a Supplier and received the Purchase Invoice from a different Supplier (the "Invoice From Supplier"). In this situation, you will have specified the Invoice From Supplier in the Purchase Order (Invoice From field on the 'Comment' card). When you create the Purchase Invoice, the Supplier will be the Invoice From Supplier from the Purchase Order and the Org. Supplier (original Supplier) will be the Supplier to whom you issued the Purchase Order.
- Supp. Info. on Trans
- Default taken from
Account Usage P/L setting, Purchase Ledger (Supp. Info. on Trans. check box)
- When a Nominal Ledger Transaction is generated automatically from a Purchase Invoice, this option will cause the Invoice Number, Due Date and Supplier to be copied to flip E of the Transaction row posting to the Creditor Account.
- You should use this option if you want to use the Creditors Account report in the Nominal Ledger. This report lists debit and credit postings to the Creditor Account, organised by Supplier. In order to provide this analysis, the report needs the Supplier Number to be copied to flip E of each posting to the Creditor Account.
- Self Billing
- Default taken from
Contact record for the Supplier (Self Billing Customer)
- A self-billing Invoice is an Invoice that a company issues to itself. For example, a company may have received goods from a Supplier on the agreement that invoicing will occur as it sells or consumes them. That company will create self-billing Purchase Invoices when necessary, notifying the Supplier as it does so. That Supplier should then create corresponding Sales Invoices. If you are a customer in a self-billing agreement, you can mark your Purchase Invoices as self-billing using this check box. Self-billing Invoices are separately flagged when included in SAF-T exports in Portugal.
The Purchase Invoice register in Standard ERP:
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