
Electronic Purchase Invoices

Use this function to print records from the Electronic Purchase Invoice register.

You can also print an individual Electronic Purchase Invoice by opening the record and clicking the Printer icon (Windows/Mac OS X) or selecting 'Print' from the File menu (all platforms). To print an Electronic Purchase Invoice to screen, click the Preview icon (Windows/Mac OS X only).

Enter the Electronic Purchase Invoice Number if you wish to print a single Invoice, or a range of numbers separated by a colon (:) if you wish to print several.

Use these options to specify whether you want all Electronic Purchase Invoices in the specified range printed, or only those that have not been marked as OK.
You can use the fields listed below when you design the Form Template to be used by the Electronic Purchase Invoice form. If you do not want to print the decimal places in numeric fields, choose the Cut Decimals option in the record in the Values in Text setting for the Language specified in the Company Info setting.

Field in Form TemplatePrints (from Electronic Purchase Invoice)
Header Fields (these print once per Electronic Purchase Invoice)
AddressName (if you are using the Organisation Name option in the Form Settings setting) and Invoice To Address (from 'Inv. Address' card). This will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field. Use the Form Settings setting to set the format of this field (e.g. to specify whether blank lines will be printed, whether parts of the address will be printed on the same line, etc.)
Address Name Name (from 'Inv. Address' card)
Amount in TextPrints the TOTAL as a phrase constructed using the relevant record in the Values in Text setting for the Language of the Supplier or, if that is blank, the Language in the current user's Person record or in the Company Info setting
Bank AccountBank Account
Bank CodeBank
Bank NameBank Name
Credited Invoice NumberText "Regarding Invoice " followed by Credit of Invoice (not shown in the Electronic Purchase Invoice window)
CurrencyCurrency or, if blank, Base Currency 1
Customer Fax Number Fax (from the 'Inv. Address' card)
Customer Name Name (from the 'Inv. Address' card)
Customer Order NumberOur Order No.
Customer Telephone NumberTelephone (from the 'Inv. Address' card)
Customer VAT Reg. Number Supp. VAT No.
E-mail Supplier E-mail from the Contact record for the Supplier
From Address Name (if you are using the Organisation Name option in the Form Settings setting) and Invoice Address from the Contact record for the Supplier. This will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field. Use the Form Settings setting to set the format of this field (e.g. to specify whether blank lines will be printed, whether parts of the address will be printed on the same line, etc.)
Interest RateInterest
Invoice DateInvoice Date
Invoice Due Date Due Date
Invoice HeaderComment
Invoice No. No.
Invoice TypeType of the Electronic Purchase Invoice (i.e. "Invoice", "Cash Note" or "Credit Note")
Invoice Type (short) Type of the Electronic Purchase Invoice (i.e. "Invoice", "Cash Note" or "Credit Note")
Official Serial NumberOfficial Ser. No.
Order NumberSupp. Order No.
Our ReferenceSupp. Ref
Own Customer NumberTheir Customer Code from the Contact record for the Supplier
Payment Terms Payment Terms
Payment Terms CommentTerm Comment
Salesman ASalesman
Service Delivery Date Service Del. Date
Settlement Discount Date Settlement Discount Date (not shown in the Electronic Purchase Invoice window)
Settlement Discount 2 Date Settlement Discount Date 2 (not shown in the Electronic Purchase Invoice window)
Shipment AddressDelivery Address, including the first line if you are using the Organisation Name option in the Form Settings setting. This will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field. Use the Form Settings setting to set the format of this field (e.g. to specify whether blank lines will be printed, whether parts of the address will be printed on the same line, etc.)
Sum Subtotal. The number of decimal places will be as in the Electronic Purchase Invoice record, although you can overrule this by entering "0" or a positive number as the Field Argument. For example, to round to the nearest whole number, enter "0", or to round to one decimal place, enter "1". With or without a Field Argument, decimals will be cut if so specified in the record in the Values in Text setting for the Language specified in the Company Info setting
SupplierNo. from the Contact record for the Supplier
Supplier FaxFax from the Contact record for the Supplier
Supplier Invoice NumberSupplier Inv. No.
Supplier NameName from the Contact record for the Supplier
Supplier Registration No. 1 Reg. No. 1 from the Contact record for the Supplier
Supplier Registration No. 2Reg. No. 2 from the Contact record for the Supplier
Supplier TelephoneTelephone from the Contact record for the Supplier
Supplier VAT Reg. NumberVAT Reg. No. from the Contact record for the Supplier
To Bank Account Operator from the Contact record for the Supplier
To Bank AccountBank Account from the Contact record for the Supplier
To PayTOTAL. The number of decimal places will be as in the Electronic Purchase Invoice record, although you can overrule this by entering "0" or a positive number as the Field Argument. For example, to round to the nearest whole number, enter "0", or to round to one decimal place, enter "1". With or without a Field Argument, decimals will be cut if so specified in the record in the Values in Text setting for the Language specified in the Company Info setting
Total Quantity (totqty) Tot Quantity
Total Volume Tot Volume
Total Weight Tot Weight
Transaction Date (transdate) Trans. Date
VATVAT. The number of decimal places will be as in the Electronic Purchase Invoice record, although you can overrule this by entering "0" or a positive number as the Field Argument. For example, to round to the nearest whole number, enter "0", or to round to one decimal place, enter "1". With or without a Field Argument, decimals will be cut if so specified in the record in the Values in Text setting for the Language specified in the Company Info setting
Your (customers) ReferenceAttn.
Row Fields (these print once per row, so remember to specify a Line Height and to set the Format to "Matrix")
Description 1Spec
Environment TaxEnvironment Tax
Item Code 2Item
Object, rowObjects
Order QuantityS. Qty
Ordered UnitIf the Item has a Purchase Item in the name of the Supplier and with a Supplier Unit, the correct translation for the Language of the Supplier of the Comment from the Units setting, the Comment itself or the Unit Code
Price FactorP.Factor
QuantityS. Qty
Row SumSum
Serial Number (serienr) Serial No
Supplier Item CodeSupp. Item
Unit PriceUnit Price
VAT CodeV-Cd
The following row fields will print information from any VAT Summary rows in an Electronic Purchase Invoice. In all cases except VAT %, these fields will print negative figures if you specify a minus sign as the Field Argument. Decimal places will be cut if so specified in the record in the Values in Text setting for the Language specified in the Company Info setting. You should specify a Line Height in these fields, and set the Format to "Header":
VAT % VAT percentage
VAT BaseRow Sum excluding VAT
VAT Total Row Sum including VAT
VAT ValueVAT amount

Please click here for details of the standard fields that you can also include in the Form Template.


Forms in the Purchase Ledger:

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