BuyBack Journal
This report lists the records in the
BuyBack register.
If you print this report using the Only Without BuyBack Ref. and NotOKed options, it will act as a useful "to do" list that you can use to register BuyBack sales with Suppliers. When the Suppliers provide BuyBack References, you can drill down from the report to enter the References in each relevant BuyBack record.

- Period
- Paste Special
Reporting Periods setting, System module
- Enter the start and end dates of the period to be covered by the report. BuyBack records whose Transaction Dates fall in this period will be listed in the report.
- BuyBack Reference
- Specify a BuyBack Reference here to list the BuyBack records with that Reference.
- Price List
- Paste Special
Price List register, Pricing module
- Specify a Price List here to list the BuyBack records with that Price List.
- Status
- Use these options to choose whether the report will list BuyBack records that have been marked as OK, those that have not been marked as OK, or both.
- Function
- Two versions of this report are available, each showing different information.
- Overview
- For each BuyBack record, this option displays the BuyBack Number and the Item Number, followed by the Original Cost, the BuyBack Cost and the difference between the two figures, and the Actual Credit and Debit Amounts and the Commission. When you print the report to screen, you can click (Windows/Mac OS X) or tap (iOS/Android) the BuyBack and Item Numbers to open the corresponding records.
- Detailed
- For each BuyBack record, this option displays the BuyBack Number, the Item Number, the Serial Number, the Invoice Number, the Orig. Supp. Inv. No., the Quantity and the Customer Name. When you print the report to screen, you can click or tap the BuyBack, Item and Invoice Numbers to open the corresponding records, and the Serial Numbers to open the Serial Number History report.
- Include Invalidated Buybacks
- Use this option to include invalidated BuyBack records in the report.
- A BuyBack record will be invalidated if you mark as OK and save a Returned Goods record created from its originating Delivery or a Credit Note created from its originating Invoice, before you have received a Buyback Reference. If the Returned Goods record or Credit Note is partial, a new BuyBack record will be created for the remaining quantity.
- Only with Difference
- This option will remove from the report any BuyBack records where the Original Cost - BuyBack Cost -Commission is zero.
- Unreconciled Only
- Use this option if you want the report to list BuyBack records that have not been marked as Reconciled.
- Only without BuyBack Ref.
- Use this option if you want the report to list BuyBack records without BuyBack References.
- Sorting
- Use these options to specify whether the BuyBack records in the report will be sorted by Number, Reference or Customer.
Reports in the Purchase Ledger:
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