
Efter installation

After installation, the HansaWorld directory or folder will contain a number of files:

Shown is the Windows XP folder in a single-user installation: its appearance on your computer and the number of files and folders may differ slightly according to the type of machine you are using, its operating system and certain other settings. In the illustration, for example, all file extensions are shown. Additional files and folders will be created by the application the first time you use it. Some or all of the following files should be present:
  1. The HansaWorld Enterprise application, usually named "HansaWorld.exe".

  2. The database, always named "HANSA.HDB". This file will be created by the application the first time you use it.

  3. The "Hob" folder, containing language and other files. This must be present in the same folder or directory as the HansaWorld Enterprise application.

  4. The file "DBDEF.TXT", which is used by HansaWorld Enterprise to import some basic settings information to new databases. This file must be present in the same folder or directory as the program when you create a new database.

  5. The file "DEFAULT.TXT", which is used by HansaWorld Enterprise to import some basic settings information to new Companies. This file must be present in the same folder or directory as the program when you create a new Company in a database. Companies and databases are described here.

  6. The "Setup" folder or directory, which contains a number of sample data files, including Form designs and a chart of Accounts. You can import some or all of this sample data to your database and then modify it to suit your own requirements. Depending on those requirements, it may be easier to do this than to start from scratch. This is especially recommended in the case of Form designs. The names and contents of these files will vary according to the country of use. Please refer to the Importing Sample Data page for details about the contents of these files and importing them.

  7. The "Demo" folder or directory, which contains a back-up of an example database. You can import this file to a new database to test new or unfamiliar HansaWorld Enterprise features before using them in your "live" database. The name and precise make-up of these files will vary according to the country of use. Please refer to the Creating a New Database - Demo page for details about importing this file.

  8. An "Attach" folder, which must be present if you want to attach files to records. Such Attachments are fully described here. In multi-user installations, this folder should be on the server machine. This folder will be created by the application the first time you use it.

  9. The "Tmp" folder is used for two purposes. First, if you read an attached file, it will be copied to the "Tmp" folder on your client machine and then opened in the relevant application. Second, it should be present on the Gateway machine if you will be using the HansaWorld Enterprise Mail facility to send and receive external mail (i.e. to communicate with standard email programs outside your HansaWorld Enterprise network). The HansaWorld Gateway uses it to store mail attachments downloaded from the POP3 server before they are transferred to the "Attach" folder and attachments that are to be uploaded to the SMTP server. The HansaWorld Enterprise Mail facility is described here. This folder will be created by the application the first time you use it.

  10. A "Backup" folder or directory, to be used for storing daily back-up files. This folder will be created by the application the first time you use it.

  11. If you are using the Autoscan Import feature, any files placed in the "Import" folder or directory will be imported to your HansaWorld Enterprise database automatically. Please refer to the Imports page for details of this feature. The "Import" folder will be created by the application the first time you use it.

  12. Two extra folders, "PS" and "Scripts", will be present in Linux installations.
The following folders should be present if you wish to use certain features, but otherwise need not be present:
  1. The "Halcust" folder contains bespoke (HAL) files (e.g. customised reports). This should be on the server and on all clients likely to use the bespoke files.

  2. The "Web" folder contains language and other files required if you wish to use the HansaWorld Web Shop. This folder should be on the server machine.

  3. The "Webcust" folder is used to store images used in the Web Shop (e.g. images of the Items that you sell). This folder should be on the server machine.
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