Introduction to Settings in the System Module
The System module contains the following settings:

To edit a setting when you are using Windows or Mac OS X, first ensure you are in the System module using the [Switch Module] button in the Navigation Centre or the Ctrl-0 (Windows) or ⌘-0 (Mac OS X) keyboard shortcut. Then, click the [Settings] button, also in the Navigation Centre, or use the Ctrl-S/⌘-S keyboard shortcut. The 'Settings' list shown above appears. Double-click the item that you need in the list.
To edit a setting when you are using iOS or Android, ensure you are in the System module using the [Switch Module] button in the Navigation Centre. Select 'Settings' from the Tools menu (with 'wrench' icon). A list similar to the one shown above appears. Then, tap the item that you need in the list.
Please follow the links below for details about each setting:
- Access Groups
- Active Users
- Auto Actions
- Bank Holidays
- Base Currency
- Base Currency Rates
- Company Date and Numeric Format
- Company Info
- Configuration
- Conversions - Master, Conversions - Accounts and VAT Code
- Conversions - Master, Conversions - Activity Types
- Conversions - Master, Conversions - Contact Classifications
- Conversions - Master, Conversions - Contacts
- Conversions - Master, Conversions - Currency Codes
- Conversions - Master, Conversions - Items
- Conversions - Master, Conversions - Locations
- Conversions - Master
- Conversions - Master, Conversions - Suppliers
- Conversions - Master, Conversions - Objects
- Conversions - Master, Conversions - Users
- Countries
- Countries Regions
- Currency Round Off
- Days and Months
- Departments
- Discount Options
- Display Groups
- Exchange Rates Settings
- Form Settings
- Global Warnings on UnOKed Records
- Internet Enablers
- Journaling
- KPIs
- Languages
- Locking
- Locking Exceptions
- Number Series Defaults
- Opened Windows History
- Optional Features
- Password Security
- Printers
- Reporting Periods
- Round Off
- Sales Groups
- Single Functions
- Special Days
- Styles
- Sub-Ledger Control Accounts
- Task Manager Access
- User Warnings on UnOKed Records
- Values in Text
- VAT Number Masks
- Weeks
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