
Sent Email Queue

The Sent Email Queue report allows you to search in the Email Queue for Mails and Customer Letters that have been sent to a particular email address. Only Email Queue records that have been sent will be listed in the report, not those that are Queued or Being Sent.

For each record in the Queue, the report shows the number of the Email Queue record, the date and time the Mail or Customer Letter was put in the Queues and the Subject of the Mail. When printed to screen, the Sent Email Queue report has the Standard ERP Drill-down feature. Click (Windows/Mac OS X) or tap (iOS/Android) on any Email Queue number in the report to open the corresponding Email Queue record.

If you want to search the Email Queue for Queue records that have been sent from a particular Mailbox, or for Queue records that has not been sent yet, use the Email Queue List report.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
The report will list Email Queue records that were created during the period that you specify here.

Enter an email address to list the Email Queue records that have been sent to that address during the report period. You must enter an email address, otherwise the report will be empty.


Reports in the Email and Conferences module:

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