
Create Menu - Sales Orders - Delivery

This page describes the 'Delivery' function on the Create menus in the Sales Order browse and record windows. If you are using iOS or Android, the 'Delivery' function is on the + menu.


You can issue a Delivery from a Sales Order using the following methods:

  • Highlight the Order in the 'Orders: Browse' window and select 'Delivery' from the Create menu (Windows/Mac OS X) or + menu (iOS/Android). If you are using iOS or Android, you can highlight an Order by searching for it. The new Delivery will be opened automatically for checking and approval.

  • Open the Order in a record window and again select 'Delivery' from the Create or + menu. Save any changes you have made to the Sales Order before selecting the function. Again, the new Delivery will be opened automatically for checking and approval.

    If you have many Sales Orders, it may be difficult to find unfulfilled Sales Orders in the 'Sales Orders: Browse' window. You may find it easier to work from the Deliverable List report, which lists Orders that you can deliver from stock. You can drill down from this report to individual Sales Orders, from which you can create Deliveries.

  • If you are using Windows or Mac OS X, you can create a Delivery by dragging a Sales Order from the 'Orders: Browse' window to the 'Deliveries: Browse' window. In this case, the new Delivery will not be opened automatically for checking and approval.

  • To create Deliveries from Orders in batches, use the 'Create Deliveries from Orders' Maintenance function.
When you create a Delivery from an Order, a new record will be created in the Delivery register (in the Stock module). If you created the Delivery by selecting 'Delivery' from the Create or + menu, the new Delivery will be opened in a new window, entitled 'Delivery: Inspect'. This means that it has been created and saved and is being opened for checking, amendment and approval.

The Delivery record takes its information from the Order, and tries to ship as many Items on the Order as possible. So, in the first Delivery that you create from an Order, every Order row (except "Header" and "Subtotal" rows) will be copied to the Delivery. If the first Delivery is partial, fully delivered rows will not usually be included in subsequent Deliveries.

The stock Location specified on flip F of an Order row or on the 'Del. Terms' card of the Order will be copied to flip B of the corresponding Delivery row or to the Delivery header respectively. For Stocked Items, the stock balance in this Location will be shown in the Avail. field in the grid (excluding any units that have been reserved for other Orders). The default quantity in the Del. Qty field will usually be the ordered quantity (or the maximum shippable quantity in the Location if this is insufficient to fulfil the Order). If the Delivery does not have a Location, the Avail. and Del. Qty figures will be calculated using the stock balances from every Location. If you change to another Location, the Avail. and Del. Qty figures will be updated immediately. If you would like the default Del. Qty always to be the ordered quantity not the maximum shippable quantity, even if there is insufficient stock, use the Always Deliver option in the Stock Settings setting in the Stock module.

Plain and Service Items will be shipped without any checking of stock levels. The Avail. field in the Delivery will be left blank for these Items (an example is shown in row 4 in the illustration above). These Items will not appear on the Delivery at all if you are using the Automatic Delivery for Service and Plain Items option in the Stock Settings setting.

If you have used an Item that requires Serial Numbers at the Unit level in the Order with a Quantity greater than one, the Delivery will contain the appropriate number of rows each with a Quantity of one. This allows you to enter Serial Numbers on flip B. You must enter Serial Numbers before you can mark the Delivery as OK. In the case of an Item requiring Serial Numbers at the Batch level, the Delivery will only contain a single row with the quantity copied from the Sales Order. You can enter a single Serial/Batch Number, providing you have a sufficient quantity in stock with that Serial Number. If this is not the case, you will be told there is insufficient stock when you try to save the Delivery. You can then use the 'Split Row' Operations menu function to divide the row into two, and then enter a second Serial Number in the new row. The 'Split Row' function will ensure that both Delivery rows remain connected to the originating Sales Order row, so the Delivered Quantities in that row will be correct. Usually, no default Serial Numbers will be offered, so you will need to enter them yourself. There is no automatic FIFO allocation. However, in the case of Items that use batch numbers, Serial Numbers will be brought in automatically if you are using the Automatically set Batch Serial Number on Delivery option in the Stock Settings setting. If you do not mark the Delivery as OK and save immediately, there will be a risk that the batch Serial Numbers will be delivered to another Customer in the mean time, so you can update these batch Serial Numbers using the 'Refill Batch No. Items' function on the Operations menu.

If you will use a barcode scanner to assign Items to the Delivery, place the insertion point in the Scan Barcode field and then scan the barcode of each Item on the Delivery. As you scan each Item, the Del. Qty in the appropriate row will be increased by one. You will therefore need the Del. Qty in each row to be zero when the Delivery is created. To accomplish this, select the Set delivered quantity to Zero option on the 'Del. Terms' card of the Order. If you would like the Set delivered quantity to Zero option to be selected in every Order, tick the option with the same name in the Order Settings setting.

If you need to make a part shipment, you can reduce the Del. Qty in an individual Delivery row. You can also remove entire rows, by clicking on the row number to the left and pressing the Backspace key (Windows/Mac OS X). If you are using iOS or Android, long tap on the row number on the left of the row and select ‘Delete Row’ from the resulting menu. You will not be able to deliver a greater Quantity than was ordered unless you are using the Allow Delivered Qty Greater than Ordered option in the Stock Settings setting. For Stocked Items, you can also prevent delivering more than you have in stock by using the Do Not Allow Over Delivery option in the same setting.

If you have already made a part shipment, a second Delivery created from an Order will again attempt to ship as many of the remaining Items on the Order as possible, depending on stock levels. The default quantities in the second Delivery will be the same, irrespective of whether you have marked the first Delivery as OK. Rows that were fully delivered in the first Delivery will not usually be included in the second Delivery: if you would like them to be included, select the Transfer all Order rows to Delivery option in the Order Settings setting.

The Date of the Delivery can default to the current date or to the Planned Delivery Date of the Order. This depends on the Delivery Date Based On option that you have selected on the 'Delivery' card of the Contact record for the Customer. You can change the default Delivery Date if necessary.

To print Freight Labels from the Delivery, select Print Freight Labels from the Operations (Windows/Mac OS X) or Tools (iOS/Android) menu. To print a Picking List, click the Printer icon (Windows/Mac OS X) or select 'Print' from the File menu (all platforms). To print a Delivery Note, mark the Delivery as OK (see next paragraph), save it and then click the Printer icon or select the 'Print' function. You can also print Picking Lists and Delivery Notes from the Stock module, using the [Forms] button in the Navigation Centre.

When the Delivery is complete, tick the OK check box and save. This signifies that the Delivery has been approved. If you have determined that cost of sales postings are to be made on the point of delivery, a Nominal Ledger Transaction will be created (cost of sales postings will otherwise be made from the Invoice). You will no longer be able to modify the Delivery. You will not be able to raise an Invoice for the Delivery until you have marked it as OK.

Please click here for a full description of the Delivery window, including detailed information about shipments, stock, approving Deliveries and Nominal Ledger Transactions.

To close the window and return to the Order, click the close box (Windows/Mac OS X) or tap < (iOS/Android). You will be asked if you want to save any changes. The Del. and Del. OK figures in each row of the Order (visible on flip D) will be updated automatically (you will need to close the Order and re-open it to see this). You will no longer be able to delete the Order.

The Order and the Delivery will be connected to each other through the Link Manager facility. This allows you to open the Order quickly and easily when reviewing the Delivery, or to open the Delivery from the Order.

If the function does not create a Delivery, the probable causes are:

  1. The Order has been marked as Closed.

  2. Every Item on the Order has already been delivered.

  3. The Customer has exceeded their Credit Limit, and you have specified in the Credit Limit setting in the Sales Ledger that Deliveries should not be created for such Customers. In this case, a message will appear explaining the situation.

  4. The Customer is on hold (you have ticked the On Hold box on the 'Terms' card of their Contact record).

  5. You are using the No Deliveries before Planned Date option in the Planned Delivery setting, and the Planned Delivery Date in the Order (in the header or in every row) is in the future.

  6. The Order Type on flip C in every row in the Order is "Drop Ship". This means you will create Purchase Orders for those Items and the Suppliers will deliver directly to the Customer. Please refer here for more details about Drop Shipments.

  7. There is no valid record in the Number Series - Deliveries setting (in the Stock module). This might be a fault in the setting itself, or it might be because the default Delivery Number on the 'Number Series' card of the current user's Person record or in the Number Series Defaults setting (in the System module) is not in a valid Number Series. This problem will usually occur at the beginning of a new year. If you make a change to the 'Number Series' card of the Person record, you will need to quit Standard ERP and restart for it to take effect.
You can use Access Groups to prevent certain users from creating Deliveries from Orders. To do this, deny them access to the 'Delivery from Order' Action. An alternative method also using Access Groups is to ensure that Deliveries can only be created from Orders that have been marked as OK (by restricting access to the 'Disallow Delivery from not OKed Order' Action) and to restrict users' ability to mark Orders as OK (using the 'OK Orders' Action).

You can also control whether it is possible to create Deliveries from Orders in which the gross profit of at least one Item is less than a specified percentage. Please refer to the GP Below Minimum Alerts page for details.

If you need Orders to pass through an approval process before you can create Deliveries from them, you can configure such a process using the Approval Rules register in the Business Alerts module. Please refer to the description of the Approval Status options on the 'Inv. Address' card for brief details about the approval process and here for full details.


The Sales Order register in Standard ERP:

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