You can use this function when you need to print Invoices in batches.
You can also print an individual Invoice by opening the record and clicking on Printer icon (Windows/Mac OS X) or selecting 'Print' from the File menu (all platforms). To print an Invoice to screen, click the Preview icon (Windows/Mac OS X only).
If you want to send Invoices to Customers by email, use the 'Create Mails from Invoices' Maintenance function. This function will create PDF files using the appropriate Form Template for the type of Invoice (i.e. Invoice, Credit Note, Cash Note, Interest Invoice or Project Invoice) and therefore to use it you must have assigned Form Templates to each of these Forms using the 'Define Form' function.

- Period
- Paste Special
Reporting Periods setting, System module
Specify a period in this field: Invoices whose Transaction Dates fall in the specified period will be printed.
- No., Official No.
- Range Reporting
- If you need to print a single Invoice, enter its Invoice Number in the No. field or its Official Serial Number in the Official No. field. Alternatively, you can enter a range of Invoice Numbers or Official Serial Numbers separated by a colon (:).If you need to print every Invoice from the specified period, enter an asterisk (*) in either field. You must make an entry in one of these fields (even if you have specified a Customer or a Language) otherwise no Invoices will be printed.
- Customer Paste Special Customers in Contact register
- Range Reporting Alpha
- If you need to print the Invoices you have issued to a particular Customer, enter their Customer Number here. You can also enter a range of Customer Numbers, separated by a colon (:).
- Language
- Paste Special
Languages setting, System module
- Enter a Language here if you only want to print Invoices with a particular Language (specified on the 'Price List' card.
- Status
- Use the Status options to specify which Invoices are to be printed, as follows:
- Unprinted Only
- Choose this option if you only want to print Invoices in the range that have not previously been printed. Only Invoices in the range that have been marked as OK will be printed.
- A useful way to use this option will be to select it while entering * in the No. field. All new Invoices will be printed, and no Invoices will be reprinted.
- Invoices that you have already sent by email (using the 'Create Mails from Invoices' Maintenance function or the HW0201INV_Operations_Menu_Create_Email,'Email') function on the Create menu (Windows/Mac OS X) or + menu (iOS/Android) when viewing an individual Invoice) will not be printed again if you select this option.
- All
- This option will print every Invoice in the range. If you are not using the No Test Printout option in the Optional Features setting in the System module, any previously printed Invoices will have the word "Copy" printed diagonally across the page as a watermark, while Invoices that have not yet been marked as OK will be printed with the "Test Printout" watermark.
- You can use Access Groups to control who can reprint Invoices. To prevent the reprinting of Invoices, grant Full access to the 'Disallow Printing Copies' Action. This Action will also prevent the printing of Invoices that have not been marked as OK, so it will mean that the All and Unprinted Only options are effectively the same.
- Original
- This option will also print every Invoice in the range. Invoices that have been marked as OK and that have already been printed will be printed again as though they were originals, without the word "Copy" watermark, irrespective of whether you are using the No Test Printout option. Invoices in the range that have not been marked as OK will be printed with the "Test Printout" watermark if you are not using the No Test Printout option.
If you specified in the Invoice Form Template that several copies are to be printed, perhaps on different printers, these copies will only be printed the first time you print an Invoice after marking it as OK and saving. If you need to print all copies again, you must print the Invoice using this function (i.e. not by opening the Invoice record and clicking the Printer icon or selecting 'Print' from the File menu), and you should choose the Original option.
- Only Open Invoices
- Choose this option if you need to print the Invoices in the range that have not been paid in full. This option will be useful if you have printed a statement for a Customer and you need to print copies of all outstanding Invoices as well.
- Skip Invalidated Invoices
- By default, any invalidated Invoices in the range will be printed. Select this option if you do not want them to be printed.
- Include EDI Invoices
- Select this option if you would like to include EDI Invoices in the print run. For this purpose, an EDI Invoice is one issued to a Customer in whose Contact record the EGO Customer or EDI Customer boxes have been ticked (on the 'Terms' card).
- Include E-Invoices
- Select this option if you would like to include Invoices that have been sent as E-Invoices in the print run. For this purpose, an E-Invoice is one issued to a Customer in whose Contact record the EGO Customer or EDI Customer boxes have been ticked (on the 'Terms' card), or an Invoice that has at least one corresponding record in the Electronic Invoices Queue setting.
- It may be that you send Invoices to some Customers as E-Invoices and to other Customers through the post. In this situation, you will usually only need to print the Invoices that you will send to the second group of Customers.
- Row Layout
- These options control how the Items will be listed in Invoices when they are printed.
- None
- Items will be listed in the same way as on screen in the Invoice record.
- By Item Group
- Items will be sorted by Item Group, with subtotals provided for each Group.
- By Item Group - Single row
- The Items will not be listed individually. Instead, a summary row for each Item Group will be printed.
- By Room Package
- This option only applies to Invoices created from Hotel Reservations. Instead of listing all the charges individually, it prints a summary row for each Room Package.
- Single Row
- The Items and Item Groups will not be listed individually. Instead, a single summary row for the whole Invoice will be printed.
- Invoice Type
- Use the Invoice Type check boxes to restrict your selection to specific kinds of Invoice.
Each kind of Invoice will be printed using different Form Templates, which you should have assigned to each Form by highlighting each option in turn in the 'Forms' list and for each one selecting 'Define Form' from the Operations menu.
- The options are:
- Invoice
- Select this option when you need to print the standard Invoices in the range. They will be printed using the Invoice Form Template.
- Project Invoices (Invoices created from Projects, with Projects specified on their 'Terms' cards) will also be printed when you choose this option. These will be printed using the Project Invoice Form Template.
- Cash Note
- A Cash Note is an Invoice with a Payment Term of the "Cash" type. These will be printed using the Cash Note Form Template.
- Credit Note
- A Credit Note is an Invoice with a Payment Term of the "Credit Note" type. These will be printed using the Credit Note Form Template.
- Interest Invoice
- An Interest Invoice is one created using the 'Create Interest Invoices' Maintenance function or one entered directly to the Invoice register with a Payment Term of the "Manual Interest Inv." type. These will be printed using the Interest Invoice Form Template.
Press the [Run] button in the Button Bar to start the printing, or cancel by closing the window.
Please follow the links below for lists of the fields that you can use when you design the Form Template to be used by the Invoice form:
- Header fields - Part 1, including:
- Basic Invoice Information
- Header fields - Part 2, including:
- Invoice - Address Information
- Invoice - Official Serial Number information
- Customer Information
- Customer Bank Information
- Contact Person Information
- Branch Information
- Header fields - Part 3, including:
- Delivery Address Information
- Freight Company Information
- Original Invoice Information in Credit Notes
- Location Information
- Loyalty Card Information
- Order Information
- Payment Information
- Header fields - Part 4, including:
- Project Information
- Reservation Information
- Reverse Charge VAT Information
- Settlement Discount Information
- Tax Template Summary
- Transaction Information
- VAT Summary
- Header fields - Part 5, including:
- Country-Specific Fields - Argentina
- Country-Specific Fields - Bolivia
- Country-Specific Fields - Brazil
- Country-Specific Fields - Croatia
- Country-Specific Fields - Denmark
- Country-Specific Fields - Finland
- Country-Specific Fields - Mexico
- Country-Specific Fields - Norway
- Country-Specific Fields - Portugal
- Country-Specific Fields - Russia
- Country-Specific Fields - Slovenia
- Country-Specific Fields - Sweden
- Row fields - Part 1, including:
- Row fields - Part 2, including:
- Item Information
- Batch Specification Information (Jewellery module)
- "Credit of Invoice" Rows
- "Interest" Rows
- Payment rows - Cash
- Payment rows - Credit Card
- "Perception Tax" Rows
- "Prepayment" Rows
- "Subtotal" Rows
- "Withholding Tax" Rows
Forms in the Sales Ledger:
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