
Number Series - POS Balances

Whenever you enter a new POS Balance record, it will be given a unique identifying number based on a sequential number series.

You can have more than one sequential number series running at the same time, or at different times. For example, you may want to use different sequences to represent different departments, or you may want to use different sequences to represent different fiscal or calendar years.

The Number Series - POS Balances setting allows you to take advantage of this feature. Here you can define the number sequences that you would like to use with POS Balances.

To open the Number Series - POS Balances setting, ensure you are in the Point of Sales or Restaurant modules and double-click (Windows/Mac OS X) or tap (iOS/Android) 'Number Series - POS Balances' in the 'Settings' list. The following window will appear:

Enter each new Number Series on the first blank line. The sequences that you enter should not overlap.

The N/L field gives you a measure of control over whether Nominal Ledger Transactions will be generated automatically when you mark POS Balances in a particular sequence as OK and save them. Using 'Paste Special' from the N/L field brings up a selection list containing two options: "Generate Transactions" and "Do not Generate Transactions". Select the first option if Nominal Ledger Transactions are to be generated and the second if they are not. In effect, this feature is an exclusionary one in that you can only choose to not have Nominal Ledger Transactions created for a particular number sequence. By default, Nominal Ledger Transactions will be created from POS Balances as there is no POS Balance option in the Sub Systems setting in the Nominal Ledger.

When the setting is complete, click the [Save] button (Windows/Mac OS X) or tap √ (iOS/Android) in the Button Bar to save the changes. To close the window without saving changes, click the close box (Windows/Mac OS X) or tap < (iOS/Android).

When you enter a POS Balance record, the next number in the first valid Number Series entered to this setting will be used as a default. You are free to change to the first unused number in any other valid Number Series. However, you will usually create POS Balance records via the 'Cash Up' Maintenance function. There will be no opportunity to change the number in these records, so a typical use for this setting will be to create separate number sequences for each year.

If you leave the Number Series - POS Balances setting empty, POS Balance Numbers will all be taken from the same sequence, starting at 1 and continuing consecutively. If you want to start from another number, simply specify it in a new POS Balance record before saving.


Settings related to Point of Sales:

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