Create Contract Invoices
The 'Create Contract Invoices' function is one of two that you can use to create Invoices or Sales Orders for Contracts. Use this function when you need to search for every Contract whose next Invoice period begins in a specified time period and then to create Invoices or Sales Orders for that time period. If you would prefer to create Invoices from a Contract for the entire Contract duration at one stroke, open the Contract in a record window and select
'Invoice' from the Create menu.
To choose whether Invoices or Sales Orders will be created from a particular Contract, use the Create options on the 'Pay. Terms' card of the Contract. You can specify a default setting for these options in the Contract Settings setting, which you can override in an individual Contract if necessary. For brevity, the remainder of this description will assume that you are creating Invoices.
If this function is to create Invoices from a Contract, the following conditions must be met:
- You must have marked the Contract as OK.
- The Contract must have a Start Date.
- The Length in the Contract must not be zero.
The Invoices created by this function will not be marked as OK. If you are using Windows or Mac OS X, you can mark the Invoices as OK in a single step, by highlighting them in the 'Invoices: Browse' window and selecting
'OK' from the Operations menu. Remember that if you wish to change any of the Invoices, you must do so before marking them as OK. Any such changes will NOT be reported back to the originating Contracts. You can also print the Invoices in a single batch, using the [Forms] button in the Navigation Centre having first changed to the Sales Ledger. Please refer
here for a full description of the Invoice register, including detailed information about
marking Invoices as OK,
printing them, and
Nominal Ledger Transactions.
You can run the Invoiceable Contracts report before you use this function if you want to see a list of the Invoices that will be created.
Selecting the 'Create Contract Invoices' function brings up the following dialogue box:
- Customer
- Paste Special
Customers in Contact register
- Range Reporting Alpha
- To create Invoices from Contracts with a particular Customer or range of Customers, enter their Customer Number here. Leave blank to include all Customers.
- If you are using the Factoring Customers Invoicing option below, enter an Invoice To Customer (or range of Invoice To Customers) here, not the final Customers.
- Contract
- Range Reporting
- Enter a Contract Number or a range of Numbers to limit the selection to certain Contracts.
- Class
- Paste Special
Contract Classes setting, Contracts module
- Enter a Contract Class to limit the process to Contracts belonging to a particular Class only.
- Comment on Invoice
- If you have chosen Detailed as the Invoice option in the record for a Customer in the Customer Contract Defaults setting, or if a Customer does not have a record in that setting, the first two rows in Invoices generated by this function will contain references to the Contract Number and to the period covered by the Invoice. The row containing the Contract Number is subject to the Skip Contract No. on Invoice option below. If you would like a third row to be added, containing a comment, enter that comment here.
- This comment will not be added to Invoices if you have chosen One row per Item or One row per Contract row as the Invoice option for a Customer in the Customer Contract Defaults setting.
- Inv. Period: From, To
- Paste Special Choose date
- Enter a range of dates. All Contracts that are due for invoicing during the indicated period will have an Invoice or Invoices created and saved in the Invoice register.
- You can leave the beginning of the period open, but you must enter a To date. If you do not specify a To date, no Invoices will be created.
- Inv. Date
- Paste Special
Choose date
- Enter a date to be used as the Invoice Date in all Invoices generated in this run. If you leave this field blank, Invoice Dates will be calculated using the Invoice options on the 'Dates' card of each Contract.
- If you are using the Factoring Customers Invoicing option (below), you must specify an Invoice Date here, otherwise no Invoices will be created. When you are using this option, Invoice Dates cannot be calculated using the Invoice options on the 'Dates' card of each Contract, because it is likely that more than one Contract will be included in each Invoice.
- Salesman
- Paste Special
Person register, System module and Global User register, Technics module
- If you would like the new Invoices to be assigned to a particular Salesman, enter that Salesman's Signature here.
- Factoring Customers Invoicing
- Use this option if you need to group together on the same Invoice all Contracts that have the same Invoice To Customer specified on their 'Partners' cards. The Invoice To Customer will usually be a head office or a leasing or factoring company. Contracts that do not have an Invoice To Customer will not be invoiced.
- The Invoice To Customer in a Contract can also be the same as the Customer in the Contract's header and does not have to be a leasing company or a parent company. This can be useful if you have several issued several Contracts to the same Customer and you want to use this option to include them all in a single Invoice.[CT1]
- If you do not use this option, Contracts with Invoice To Customers specified on their 'Partners' cards will still be invoiced to the Invoice To Customer, but they will not be grouped together on the same Invoice.
- You must specify an Invoice Date (above) if you use this option, otherwise no Invoices will be created.
- Update Stock
- Use this option if you would like the Update Stock box in each new Invoice ('Delivery' card) to be checked. The Update Stock box ensures that stock levels of any Stocked Items in the new Invoices will be adjusted when you mark the Invoices as OK and save, and that cost of sales postings will be included in the subsequent Nominal Ledger Transactions.
- The Invoice Update Stock option in the Account Usage S/L setting usually sets the default for the Update Stock box in new Invoices but has no influence over Contract Invoices.
- Skip Contract No. on Invoice
- If you have chosen Detailed as the Invoice option in the record for a Customer in the Customer Contract Defaults setting, the first row in an Invoice generated by this function will display the Contract Number of the originating Contract. Select this option if you do not need this row to be included in the Invoice.
- If you have chosen One row per Item or One row per Contract row as the Invoice option for a Customer in the Customer Contract Defaults setting, the row displaying the Contract Number will never be included.
- Do not send as E-Invoices
- If you are using E-Invoicing and you do not want the Invoices that will be created by the function to be sent as E-Invoices, select this option. This will cause the Don't send as E-Invoice box on the 'Identifiers' card of each Invoice to be ticked.
- Please refer to your HansaWorld representative for more details about E-Invoicing.
- Function
- Select one option to determine the Currency to be used in any Invoices created by the function.
Click or tap [Run] in the Button Bar to run the function. It may take a few moments, depending on the number of Invoices to be created. The appropriate Invoice Date will be copied back to the Last Inv. Date field in each Contract. When the function has finished, you will be returned to the 'Maintenance' list window.
If you click or tap [Run] without entering a Customer or Contract Number, Invoices will be raised for all Contracts that have become due for invoicing, providing you have entered a date in the Inv. Period: To field.
An example Invoice generated by this function is shown below. For this example, there was no record for the Customer in the Customer Contract Defaults setting and the Skip Contract No on Invoice option in the specification window was not selected, so the first row in the illustrated Invoice contains the Contract Number. The second row in the Invoice contains a reference to the Contract period covered by the Invoice, again because there was no record for the Customer in the Customer Contract Defaults setting.
If an Invoice is not created when expected and a Contract satisfies all the conditions listed towards the beginning of this description, the probable causes are:
- You did not enter a To date in the 'Create Contract Invoices' specification window.
- You entered a To date in the 'Create Contract Invoices' specification window that is earlier than the Last Invoice Date or later than the Cancel Date in the Contract.
- The Customer is on hold (the On Hold box on the 'Terms' card of their Customer record has been checked).
- There is no valid record in the Number Series - Invoices setting (in the Sales Ledger). This might be a fault in the setting itself, or it might be because the default Invoice Number on the 'Number Series' card of the current user's Person record or in the Number Series Defaults setting (in the System module) is not in a valid Number Series. This problem will usually occur at the beginning of a new year. If you make a change to the 'Number Series' card of the Person record or to the Number Series Defaults setting, you will need to quit Standard ERP and restart for it to take effect.
Maintenance functions in the Contracts module:
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