POS Button Types in POS Invoices - Payment Methods
This page describes the following POS Button Types in POS Invoices:
- Cash
- Cheque
- Credit Card
- Credit Card Payment Reversal
- Debit Card
- Full Payment
- Gift Voucher
- Loyalty Points Payment
- On Hotel Guest Account
- Pay
- Pay (one Mode)
Please refer here for an index of all POS Button Types.
Cash - Function
- Allows cashiers to receive and manage cash payments for POS Invoices.
- Requirements
- In the row in the POS Button record that adds the "Cash" button to the POS Invoice window, you must specify a Payment Mode in the Code field, using 'Paste Special' if necessary. This Payment Mode will determine the Nominal Ledger Account that will be debited with the value of the cash payment. 'Paste Special' will list the Payment Modes that you have included in the Local Machine Payment Modes setting.
- You must specify that your home Currency is Base Currency 1 in the Base Currency setting in the System module. If you accept cash payments in different Currencies, list the Currencies that you accept in the Payment Currencies setting.
- Workflow
- When every Item has been added to a POS Invoice, click or touch the "Cash" button.
- The 'Cash Payment' window appears:
 If the Total Due and Amount Due fields do not contain any figures, the probable reason is that you have not specified that your home Currency is Base Currency 1 in the Base Currency setting.
If you accept payment in different Currencies, the 'Cash Payment' window will contain fields for each Currency:

- Enter the value of the cash payment provided by the Customer in the Amount Tendered field (in the field for the relevant Currency if you accept more than one). The Change Due field will show you how much change is needed.
- If you are only using one Currency, you do not need to enter the value of the change that you give to the Customer in the Change Given field. All that is necessary is to click or touch [Proceed] as it will be assumed that you will give the full change value to the Customer.
If you are using more than one Currency, again you do not need enter the value of the change if you give the full value of the change in your home Currency. But if you give change in a different Currency, enter the value of the change in the relevant Change Given field for the relevant Currency.
- If you are using a touch screen, use the numeric keypad to enter amounts, and touch the [Enter] button to move from field to field.
- Click or touch [Proceed] to commit the payment, or [Cancel] to abandon it.
- A line will be added to the bottom of the POS Invoice, showing the value of the cash payment. If you needed to give change, a second added line will show the value of the change (in your home Currency).
- If the value of the cash payment is not correct (e.g. because of operator error or because the Customer presents another Item to be scanned), simply repeat the process. Clicking or touching the "Cash" button for a second time will immediately remove the line that shows the value of the payment from the Invoice. Repeat the process to add the correct payment.
- Notes
- As mentioned under the 'Requirements' heading above, you will need to specify a Payment Mode in the row in the POS Button record that adds the "Cash" button to the POS Invoice window. This Payment Mode will determine the Nominal Ledger Account that will be debited with the value of the cash payment. If you need different Accounts to be debited, perhaps from different tills, or from tills in different departments or branches, use the Local Machine Payment Modes setting to assign different cash Payment Modes (i.e. Payment Modes with different Cash Accounts) to each till. Please refer here for more details. You can also use the Local Machine Payment Modes setting if you need different Accounts to be debited depending on the Currency of the payment: please refer here for details.
- If a till has a cash drawer, the drawer can be opened automatically so that the cashier can receive the cash payment. Please refer here for details.
- Equivalent POS Command
- Cash (note that the button will open the cash drawer but the command will not).
Cheque- Function
- Allows cashiers to receive cheque payments for POS Invoices.
- Requirements
- In the row in the POS Button record that adds the "Cheque" button to the POS Invoice window, you must specify a Payment Mode in the Code field, using 'Paste Special' if necessary. This Payment Mode will determine the Nominal Ledger Account that will be debited with the value of the cheque payment. 'Paste Special' will list the Payment Modes that you have included in the Local Machine Payment Modes.
- Workflow
- When every Item has been added to a POS Invoice, click or touch the "Cheque" button.
- The 'Cheque Payment' window appears:

- Enter the value of the cheque payment in the Amount field (this will default to the total of the POS Invoice) and the cheque number in the Cheque No. field.
- If you are using a touch screen, use the [Keypad] button to open a numeric keypad to enter the Amount or Cheque No.
- Click or touch [Proceed] to commit the payment, or [Cancel] to abandon it.
- A line will be added to the bottom of the POS Invoice, showing the value of the cheque payment.
- If the value of the payment is not correct, remove the line showing the value of the cheque payment using the "Delete Row" button.
Credit CardPlease refer here for details about receiving credit card payments for POS Invoices.
You should add a "Credit Card" button to the POS Invoice window in the following circumstances:
- You will use a separate system to process credit card payments for POS Invoices. Cashiers will use the "Credit Card" button only to record the fact that a POS Invoice has been paid. Cashiers can also use the "Pay" button for this purpose, especially when a Customer pays using more than one payment method (e.g. cash and credit card).
- You will use Standard ERP to control the processing of credit and debit card payments for POS Invoices through Authorize.net or Stripe.
- You will use Standard ERP to control the processing of credit and debit card payments for POS Invoices through Bambora, PC-EFTPOS or Point via Banksys Yomani.
In Latvia, if you will process credit card payments through Verifone, do not add a "Credit Card" button to the POS Invoice window. Use the "Full Payment" or the "Pay (one Mode)" buttons instead.
Credit Card Payment ReversalIf you are processing credit card payments through Point via Banksys Yomani, you can use the "Credit Card Payment Reversal" button to reverse credit card payments in some circumstances.
After a credit card transaction has been processed through Point via Banksys Yomani, it will be cleared through the Point system. The clearing process normally occurs nightly. If a transaction hasn't been cleared, you can reverse it using the "Credit Card Payment Reversal" button. If it has been cleared, use the "Credit Card" button instead of the "Credit Card Payment Reversal" button to create a new transaction.
Please refer to the Connecting Standard ERP to a credit and debit card processing system page for details.
Debit CardPlease refer here for details about receiving debit card payments for POS Invoices.
You should add a "Debit Card" button to the POS Invoice window in the following circumstances:
- You will use a separate system to process credit card payments for POS Invoices. Cashiers will use the "Debit Card" button only to record the fact that a POS Invoice has been paid. Cashiers can also use the "Pay" button for this purpose, especially when a Customer pays using more than one payment method (e.g. cash and debit card).
- You will use Standard ERP to control the processing of credit and debit card payments for POS Invoices through Authorize.net or Stripe.
If you will use Standard ERP to control the processing of credit and debit card payments for POS Invoices through Bambora, PC-EFTPOS or Point via Banksys Yomani, do not add a "Debit Card" button to the POS Invoice window. Use the "Credit Card" button instead.
In Latvia, if you will process credit card payments through Verifone, do not add a "Debit Card" button to the POS Invoice window. Use the "Full Payment" or the "Pay (one Mode)" buttons instead.
Full Payment - Function
- Adds full payment to a POS Invoice
- Requirements
- In the row in the POS Button record that adds the "Full Payment" button to the POS Invoice window, you must specify a Payment Mode in the Code field, using 'Paste Special' if necessary. This Payment Mode will determine the Nominal Ledger Account that will be debited with the value of the payment. 'Paste Special' will list the Payment Modes that you have included in the Local Machine Payment Modes setting. You can add several "Full Payment" buttons with different Payment Modes (i.e. representing different payment methods).
- Workflow
- When every Item has been added to a POS Invoice, click or touch the "Full Payment" button.
- A line will be added to the bottom of the POS Invoice, showing the value of the payment. The text in this line will be the same as the label of the "Full Payment" button.
- If the value of the payment is not correct or you pressed a button that represents the wrong payment method, remove the line showing the value of the cheque payment using the "Delete Row" button.
- Note
- In Latvia, if you will process credit card payments through Verifone, you can do so using the "Full Payment" button. Please refer here for details.
Gift Voucher- Function
- Allows cashiers to receive Gift Vouchers in payment for POS Invoices.
- Requirements
- In the row in the POS Button record that adds the "Gift Voucher" button to the POS Invoice window, you must specify a Payment Mode in the Code field, using 'Paste Special' if necessary. This Payment Mode will determine the Nominal Ledger Account that will be debited with the value of the payment. 'Paste Special' will list the Payment Modes that you have included in the Local Machine Payment Modes setting in the Point of Sales module.
- Gift Vouchers that you take in payment must be registered in the Gift Vouchers Sold setting (in the Point of Sales module and the Sales Ledger). Registration in this setting will occur automatically when you sell Gift Vouchers (using the "Sell Gift Vouchers" button).
- Workflow
- When every Item has been added to a POS Invoice, click or touch the "Gift Voucher" button.
- The 'Gift Voucher Payment' window appears:

- Enter or scan the Gift Voucher Number or Barcode in the Gift Voucher No. field.
- If the till has a touch screen but no keyboard, touch the Gift Voucher No. field and then use the keypad to enter the Gift Voucher Number.
- Click or touch [Proceed] to commit the voucher payment, or [Cancel] to abandon it.
- A line will be added to the bottom of the POS Invoice, showing the value of the voucher payment.
- Note
- Gift Vouchers are described in more detail here.
Loyalty Points Payment- Function
- Allows cashiers to receive Loyalty Card points in payment for POS Invoices.
- Requirements
- Requires a supervisor to log in: can only be used by a cashier or supervisor whose Access Group gives access to the 'Loyalty Payment on Touch Screen Invoice' Action.
- You must add a Loyalty Card to a POS Invoice using the "Loyalty Card" or "Customer Search" buttons before you can use the "Loyalty Points Payment" button.
- In the row in the POS Button record that adds the "Loyalty Points Payment" button to the POS Invoice window, you must specify a Payment Mode in the Code field, using 'Paste Special' if necessary. This Payment Mode will determine the Nominal Ledger Account that will be debited with the value of the payment. 'Paste Special' will list the Payment Modes that you have included in the Local Machine Payment Modes setting in the Point of Sales module.
- Workflow
- When every Item has been added to a POS Invoice, and a Loyalty Card has been specified, click or touch the "Loyalty Points Payment" button.
- If the cashier does not have the necessary access right, the 'Login' window will appear, allowing a supervisor to log in.
- The 'Loyalty Points Payment' window appears:

- The Balance field shows the Loyalty Card's total points balance, while the Points field shows the number of points required to pay the POS Invoice (or the card's points balance if this is insufficient to pay the Invoice). The supervisor can change the Points field if necessary.
- If you are using a touch screen, use the numeric keypad to enter amounts, and touch the [Enter] button to move from field to field.
- Click or touch [Proceed] to commit the payment, or [Cancel] to abandon it.
- A line will be added to the bottom of the POS Invoice, showing the value of the points payment.
- Control of the till will be passed back to the cashier.
- Notes
- Note that if a till or cash machine has a live-sync connection to the server, you cannot use Loyalty Cards on that till when it is not connected to the server.
- Loyalty Cards are described in more detail here.
On Hotel Guest Account- Function
- Allows cashiers to charge POS Invoices to Hotel Reservations (i.e. to hotel room accounts).
- Workflow
- Click or touch the "On Hotel Guest Account" button.
- The 'Assign to Guest' window appears:
 The Amount field shows the value of the POS Invoice.
- One option is to enter the Room Number and Guest and Customer Numbers, using 'Paste Special' if necessary. After entering the Room Number, the 'Paste Special' list from the Guest and Customer fields will only include Guests and Customers that are booked into the room.
If you are using a touch screen, use the [Keypad] button to open a numeric keypad to enter the Room Number and Guest and Customer Numbers.
- A second option is to press the [In House] button. This will print a report to screen that lists the rooms that are occupied, together with Guest Names. If you click or touch a Guest Name, the report window will be closed and you will be returned to the 'Assign to Guest' window with the Room, Guest and Customer fields filled in.
- Click or touch [Proceed] to assign the POS Invoice to the Room/Guest, or [Cancel] to return to the POS Invoice without any assignment.
- You will be returned to the POS Invoice.
- Add any further Items to the POS Invoice as needed.
- Click or touch the "Finish" button. The POS Invoice will be saved and closed, and a new one opened. The Items on the POS Invoice will be added to the hotel room account.
- Notes
- By default, the Items on the POS Invoice will be listed individually on the hotel room account. However, if you specify a Tab Item Code in the Tab Item Group register on a particular till or cash machine, a single line with the Tab Item Code and Item Name and the total value of the POS Invoice will be added to the hotel room account.
- Hotel Reservations are not synchronised. Therefore you can only use this button on a till that has a live connection with the server. You cannot use it on a till that has a live-sync connection with the server.
Pay- Function
- Allows cashiers to receive and manage payments for POS Invoices when a Customer uses more than one payment method (e.g. cash and credit card).
- Requirements
- You must list the Payment Modes that can be used on the till in the Local Machine Payment Modes setting.
- If you will receive cash payments in different Currencies, you must create a separate Payment Mode for each Currency. In each Payment Mode, specify an Account in which you have specified the appropriate Currency. Make these Payment Modes available to each till by listing them separately in the Local Machine Payment Modes setting.
- If you need the cashier to record credit card authorisation codes, select the Require Authorization Code for Credit Card Payments option in the Local Machine setting in the User Settings module (or, if a till has a live-sync connection to the server, in the record for the till in the Local Settings setting in the Technics module).
- Workflow
- When every Item has been added to a POS Invoice, click or touch the "Pay" button.
- The 'Payment' window appears:
 There will be one Amount field for each Payment Mode (payment method) assigned to the till in the Local Machine Payment Modes setting. If appropriate, there will be a field for Authorisation Code as well (e.g. for credit cards).
- Enter the value of the payment in the Amount field(s) for the relevant payment method(s).
- If you are using the Require Authorization Code for Credit Card Payments option on the till, you must enter an Authorisation Code for the relevant Payment Mode before you can proceed. Copy this from the credit card terminal.
- If you are using a touch screen, use the [Keypad] button to open a numeric keypad to enter the Amount.
- If a Customer pays cash in different Currencies, enter the amounts in those Currencies as presented by the Customer.
- Click or touch [Proceed] to commit the payment, or [Cancel] to abandon it.
- Lines will be added to the bottom of the POS Invoice (one line for each payment method), showing the value of each payment.
- If the total value of the payment is not the same as the value of the POS Invoice, the remaining amount that is due or the change that should be given will be shown at the top of the Invoice, expressed in your home Currency.
- Notes
- It is not practical to use the "Pay" button if there are many Payment Modes listed for the till in the Local Machine Payment Modes setting. If so, the Received Total and Change fields and some Amount fields will not be visible. In this situation it is recommended that you use individual Button Types instead (e.g. "Cash" and "Credit Card").
- If a Customer pays by credit or debit card, you can only use the "Pay" button to record the fact of the payment. If you will process credit and debit card payments using Standard ERP, use the "Credit Card", "Debit Card", "Full Payment" and/or "Pay (one Mode)" buttons to process the payments, depending on the credit card processing method you are using. It is recommended that you do not use the "Pay" button at all if you will process credit and debit card payments using Standard ERP, because the 'Payment' window won't open if the Terminal Type field in the Local Credit Card Terminal setting on the till is not blank.
- The "Pay" button is similar to the "Pay (one Mode)" button described below. The "Pay" button requires cashiers to enter the payments in separate fields in the 'Payment' window depending on the payment method, while the "Pay (one Mode)" button requires cashiers to push buttons that represent each payment method. The "Pay" button does not support the processing of credit card payments, while the "Pay (one Mode)" button does support the processing of credit card payments through Verifone.
- If a till has a cash drawer, the drawer can be opened automatically so that the cashier can receive the payments. Please refer here for details.
- Payments registered using the "Pay" button are described in more detail here.
Pay (one Mode) - Function
- Allows cashiers to receive and manage payments for POS Invoices when a Customer uses more than one payment method (e.g. cash and credit card).
- Requirements
- You must list the Payment Modes that can be used on the till in the Local Machine Payment Modes setting.
- If you will receive cash payments in different Currencies, you must create a separate Payment Mode for each Currency. In each Payment Mode, specify an Account in which you have specified the appropriate Currency. Make these Payment Modes available to each till by listing them separately in the Local Machine Payment Modes setting.
- Workflow
- When every Item has been added to a POS Invoice, click or touch the "Pay (one Mode)" button.
- The 'Payment' window appears:
 There will be one button for each Payment Mode (payment method) assigned to the till in the Local Machine Payment Modes setting.
- Enter the value of the payment in the Amount Tendered field and click or touch the button that represents the relevant payment method.
- A line will be added to the bottom of the POS Invoice, showing the value of the payment. The remaining outstanding amount (or the change that is due) will be shown at the top of the Invoice and at the top of the 'Payment' window.
- Repeat step 3 for each payment method used by the Customer.
- If you are using a touch screen, use the [Keypad] button to open a numeric keypad to enter the Amount Tendered.
- If a Customer pays cash in different Currencies, enter each amount in those Currencies as presented by the Customer and press the relevant payment method button.
- If the Customer pays the full amount using a single payment method, there is no need to enter a figure in the Amount Tendered field. Simply click or touch the button that represents the relevant payment method.
- When you have registered every payment made by the Customer, click or touch the [Close] button to close the 'Payment' window and to return to the POS Invoice. If you don't need to return to the POS Invoice, click or touch the [Proceed] button. If the Invoice is fully paid, this will print the Invoice, mark it as OK and close it, and open a new POS Invoice. If the Invoice is not fully paid, you will be told "Full Payment Required" and you will be returned to the POS Invoice.
- Notes
- It is not practical to use the "Pay (one Mode)" button if there are many Payment Modes listed for the till in the Local Machine Payment Modes setting. If so, some of the buttons will not be visible. In this situation it is recommended that you use individual Button Types instead (e.g. "Cash" and "Credit Card").
- The "Pay (one Mode)" button is similar to the "Pay" button described above. The "Pay" button requires cashiers to enter the payments in separate fields in the 'Payment' window depending on the payment method, while the "Pay (one Mode)" button requires cashiers to push buttons that represent each payment method. The "Pay" button does not support the processing of credit card payments, while the "Pay (one Mode)" button does support the processing of credit card payments through Verifone. If you will process credit and debit card payments using Standard ERP using another method (i.e. not using Verifone), use the "Credit Card" and/or "Debit Card" buttons, not the "Pay (one Mode)" button.
- If a till has a cash drawer, the drawer can be opened automatically so that the cashier can receive the payments. Please refer here for details.
- Payments registered using the "Pay (one Mode)" button are described in more detail here.
Configuring the POS Invoice Window:
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